Page 42 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 42

                                  houseplants have a dormant period too. They will not need watering as frequently. Moving them nearer to a window means they can make the most of the available sunlight. Make sure they are not in a draught or too close to a heat source such as a radiator. Stop feeding them over this dormant period and remember to keep their leaves dust free.
Jobs that can be done in the garden before winter whilst the weather is still warm enough include removing drying leaves or collapsed stems from herbaceous perennials, either by gently pulling them out or cutting them at the base with secateurs. Give your lawn a little TLC. Autumn lawn care includes scarifying it with
a spring tine rake to remove thatch and moss.
Trust the process. It can look terrible at first, but removing this helps water and nutrients to reach the roots. Aerate your lawn using a garden fork to reduce compaction of the soil and again to help the roots. Finally, apply an autumn lawn feed.
Stephanie Wilson, The Barn Garden Centre
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