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5- Srebnik, Henry "Can an ethnically- based civil society
                       succeed?  The  case  of  Mauritius"  in  Journal  of
                       contemporary African studies (Vol. 18,  No. 1, 2000)

               D- Theses:
                    1-  Babooa,  Sanjiv  Kumar  Public  Participation  in  the
                        making  and  Implementation  Of  Policy  In  Mauritius
                        With  Reference  to  Port  Louis’  Local  Government,
                        Thesis  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Adminstration  ,
                        (South Africa , South Africa University, 2008)
                    2-  Busawon,  Aboo  Swaleh:  Power  Politics  In  The
                        African  Islands  of  The  Indian  Ocean(1965-1985),
                        MA  thesis,(Cairo:  Cairo  University,  Institute  of
                        African Research and Studies- Economices & Political
                        Science Department,1990)
                    3- Miller, Sara Ann : Ethnic Conflict, Electoral Systems,
                        and Power Sharing in Divided Societies , MA thesis,
                        (Georgia  :  Georgia  State  University,  College  of  Arts
                        and Sciences,2006)

               E- Papers:

                    1- Bates,  Crispin  “  Communalism  and  Identity  among
                       Asians In Diaspora” , working paper No. 2 September
                       2000 Heidelberg University
                    2-  Bunwaree,  Shiela  "Small  island  developing  states"
                      paper prepared        for  IRFD  world  forum  10-13
                      January 2005.

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