Page 100 - PARAMETER D
P. 100

4.5.2. General Policy on the Use of University Facilities
                                       University facilities are dedicated to primary uses within the University.
                                Such primary uses, however, do not require that the facilities be exclusively
                                reserved for those uses, and it is therefore the University policy to make these
                                facilities  available  for  other  uses  which  are  consistent  with  the  mission  and
                                goals of the University.
                                       In  the  absence  of  a  competing  primary  use,  the  University  facilities
                                shall  be  available  to  groups  within  or  outside  the  University  for  purposes,
                                which are consistent with the University mission. The following factors shall be
                In no case shall any facilities of the University be used without approval by
                         proper    Officials;
                If the proposed use is appropriately sponsored by an academic department of
                         the University;
                If the proposed use is appropriately sponsored by a student, staff, or faculty
                                    organization which is officially recognized by the University;
                If the proposed use is open to students, faculty or staff of the University;
                If the proposed use does not conflict with scheduled or anticipated primary
                                    uses, nor interfere with on-going primary uses;
                The proposed use must not pose physical danger to persons or the possibility
                                    of damage to the University facilities or equipment;
                 Evidence  must  be  presented  by  the  user  of  ability  to  pay  the  rates  and
                                    charges for use of University facilities and services and, where appropriate,
                                    advance payment of a portion of the anticipated rate and charge and/or
                                    refundable damage deposits may be required;
                Application for proposed non-primary uses of the University facilities should
                                    be  made  in  writing  to  the  University  President  through  the  Director  for
                                    General Services. Upon approval, payment should be made to the Cashier’s
                                    Officer. Receipt of payment should be presented to the Security Guard on
                                    Duty before the use of said facility; and
                If the facility/equipment is to be used or borrowed by a non-IFSU employee,
                                    he/she has to be guaranteed by any IFSU employee.

                          Source: IFSU CODE 2016
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