Page 168 - PARAMETER D
P. 168

                                                                        ——I^Si) Main €ampus
                        Date                              Activities  . ._    Records Sefction
                         4      Deadline for submission of grades (1* semester)      Qgfg' '*>-/

                                     Teachers on vacation leave report3y:
                                     Distribution of teaching load c/o Deans
                                                                                             5-i •r$
                        7-11    Enrollment for Second Semester

                         11          Last day of submission of new/updated syllabi by faculty members
                                     Deadline of requests for special subject offering

                                   •Blue Coat Ceremony
                                  •First day of classes in the Undergraduate Programs
                                  •Late enrolment
                                  •Enrolment in the Graduate/Postgraduate Program
                                 orkshop/Presentation of Extension Proposals
                                 eadline for submission of grades (1s* Sem-CAE/CODETE)
                                 rst day of classes in the Graduate/Postgraduate Programs
                                     Updates of OPCR/IPCR-PMT Review for 2018

                                   >   Deadline for the submission of non-teaching personnel clearance
                                  bmission of Workload to the OVPAA
                        26    j Founding anniversary of the Eye Center                    A
                        15    ! Deadline of submission for OPCR targets
                        18     Start of College Entrance Exam Application for Freshmen Students
                      March    Fire Prevention Month & National Women's Month (GAD)

                        8      Women's Rights and International Peace Day
                        11     Women's Day Celebration
                                  •Midterm Examination (Registrar's Office and Campus
                      12-15          Administrators to prepare the schedule
                                  •GAD Activities (c/o GAD Director)
                        15     Deadline for the Submission of 2018 SALN and Updated PDS
                        22     Deadline of submission for IPCR targets to the HRDO

                               Start of College Entrance Examination for Freshmen and Transferees
                       1-12    Evaluation of faculty members by students across campuses
                      22-26    Evaluation of faculty members by supervisors across campuses
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