Page 239 - PARAMETER D
P. 239


                     Flyers were distributed after a brief orientation (how it is transferred and the
                    precautionary measures) also to all students who are coming to the clinic for

                 “Hearing is a form of touch. You feel it

                   through your body, and sometimes it

                          almost hits your face.” – Evelyn Glennie

                                                 MARCH AND APRIL

                                 L o c k d o w n …..It is a work from home …

                         Save one life, and you're a hero. Save a hundred lives, and you're a nurse.

                   IFSU extended hands in monitoring People Under Monitoring (PUM) and in the
                 implementation of national health protocol in the community and in the community
                                                      check point

                 Home service to a young dialysis patient in giving IV medicines and monitoring of
                                                       Vital signs
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