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P. 321

Excerpt from the Student Manual, Approved BOR Resolution No. 294
                                                            July 12,2013

                        3.18. Student Scholarships and Financial Assistance
                                  The Student Scholarships and Financial Assistance Services shall be managed by the
                                Section Head, under the direct supervision of the DSSD director.

                        3.18.1. Goals and Objectives
               To assist students who generally belong to the “poor but deserving” group to find ways
                        and means of financial support (through scholarships and grants) in their studies; and
                        To scout for possible scholarship grantors (private grantors).

                        3.18.2. Services
               It shall take charge of the different scholarship and educational grants   offered to
                                   students  either  by  the  University,  the  national  government  or  by  any  interested
                                   individual, group of persons or private company.
               It shall disseminate information on possible scholarship slots.
               It shall prepare and implement the Memorandum of Agreement between the grantor
                                   and the University.
               It shall conduct the screening of interested students wishing to avail of the scholarship
               It shall undertake the processing of scholarship papers of the students.
                It  shall  take  charge  of  the  Student  Assistantship  Program  and  Student  Financial
                                   Assistance Program of the University.

                        3.18.3. IFSU Sponsored Scholarships
                                 Before any student can be awarded any of the following scholarships or assistantships,
                                he/she shall first apply for the grant to the Student Scholarship Chairman using the forms
                                prescribed, to be attached to his enrolment form.

               Entrance and Academic Scholarship
               Entrance Scholarship
               All entering freshmen who graduated as valedictorian are exempted from paying
                                       all fees except registration and entrance fees with P500.00 monthly allowance
                                       for one semester.
               All entering freshmen who graduated as Salutatorian are entitled to free tuition fee
                                       for one semester.
               All entering students who graduated as 1  Honorable Mention to 3  Honorable
                                       Mention are entitled to half tuition fee.
               Entrance scholarships shall be enjoyed by the student on top of other government
                                       or private scholarships enjoyed by them.

               Academic Scholarship
               Granted to all those who get a GWA of 93% and above with no grade lower than
                                       85% and shall carry a regular load. They are exempted from paying all fees
                                       except registration and entrance fees with P500.00 monthly allowance for one
                                       semester.  This  scholarship  shall  be  enjoyed  by  the  student  during  the  next
                                       semester after obtaining the above qualifications.
                Full  academic  scholarship  shall  be  enjoyed  by  the  student  on  top  of  other
                                       government or private scholarships enjoyed by them.
               Half academic scholarship. Continuing students who have obtained a GWA of 89%
                                       to 92% with regular load, and no grade lower than 83% in the previous semester
                                       immediately preceding are also entitled to full tuition fee discount. Half academic
                                       scholarship  shall  be  enjoyed  by  the  student  on  top  of  other  government  or
                                       private scholarships enjoyed by them.

               IFSU Scholarship for BSA, DAT-BAT, and BSF Students. Entering freshmen in
                        Bachelor of
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