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P. 378

Part Five – Student Manual

               Reserve Section - This section houses-in process books usually newly acquired books. It
                                   also  houses  the  professional  books  of  newly  opened  courses  or  programs  like
                                   nursing, midwifery and criminology.  Audio visual materials and  books of limited
                                   copies that are very much in demand are shelved in this section.
               Reference Section - Materials found in this section are for room use only. Books found
                                   in this section comprise different kinds of dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories,
                                   manuals, atlases, yearbooks, almanacs, bibliographies,, and non-book materials that
                                   include maps, globes, vertical files of clippings, pamphlets, leaflets and ephemeral
                                   materials. Books in this section give vital information on the field of research.
               Filipiniana Section - This section houses a collection of publications   written by Filipino
                                   or foreign authors about Philippine society, people, culture, etc.
               Periodical Section- This section houses current and back issues of  journals, magazines,
                                   newspapers and other serial literatures.
               Graduate Section - This library houses and circulates materials for advance studies in
                                   support of the curricular offerings of the Graduate School. Thesis, dissertations, or
                                   research compilations of the different graduate courses are available in this library.
               High School Library- This library houses holdings/ collection usually textbooks and other
                                   materials that support the curriculum offerings in the Laboratory High School.
               Other Services
               Internet/multimedia Services. Internet services are made available to all students not
                                   only  in  the  main  library  and  graduate  library  but  also  in  the  Computer  Science
                                   Internet café.
               For printing services subject to existing charges/fees.
               The use and guidelines of the Internet services follows the policies and guidelines
                                       of the Internet Services of the University.

                Photocopying  services.  Photocopying  services  are  available  inside  the  library  to
                                   facilitate search of library customers.
               Promotional Services - This service ensures that library customers are kept up to
                                       date with information of their interest on specific subject areas, new acquisitions,
                                       staff, resources, facilities and services of the library.
               Referral Service - This service provides all bonafide students and faculty members
                                       of IFSU the opportunity to explore/access the resources of other libraries based
                                       on their information needs.

                        4.2.3. The Use of the Library Facilities
               All students entering the library are required to wear their validated School ID’s and sign
                                 at their respective College’s entry logbook.
               A validated LBC is required every time a student wants to borrow book and non-book
                                 materials for room or overnight use.
               For faculty and administrative personnel, they are required to log in at the faculty and
                                 staff entry logbook.
               Researchers coming from outside Colleges and Universities are required to   present a
                                 referral letter from their institution. A research fee has to be paid.
                Student  may  borrow  a  maximum  of  three  books  of  different  tittles  at  one  time  for
                                 overnight use, and 1 hr and 30 minutes for classroom use.


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