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                                                             Potia Campus, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao
 IFSU FOR ACE- Academic Centers of Excellence

 To provide quality education research and extension services to bring
 about educated and morally upright individuals endowed with
 professional and entrepreneurial skills who will take the lead of
                       GENERAL ORIENTATION
 enhancing sustainable development towards improved quality of life.

 Pursue excellence in instruction
 Pursue excellence in Research and Development
 Pursue  excellence in   Extension and  Training                           August 29, 2019
 Pursue  excellence in Resource Generation
 Pursue excellence in Administration and Governance
                                           IFSU Mini Gymnasium

                                            8:00 A.M.
 P –Participatory decision –making
 L –Linkages and resource sharing                 THEME: “Acclimating and
 E –Effective information dissemination
 A- Active participation of stakeholders
 D-Democratic and decentralized planning & implementation   Integrating into the University’s
 S- Shared decision making& selfless dedication to duty

 CORE VALUES   Culture to see the World from a

 I –Integrity: Character of unblemished & unquestionable integrity   different Vantage point”
 F-Faith: Do things guided by strong faith in God and in each other
 S-Service: To serve and not to be served
 U-Unity: United in deeds and in action                 ____________________________________________

                             This serves as an invitation
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