Page 430 - PARAMETER D
P. 430 The subject to be cross-enrolled is not a major subject and is not being offered in the
               The maximum number of units allowed for cross-enrollment is nine (9) units;
               Request for cross-enrolment shall be recommended by the College Dean, noted by the
                                   University  Registrar  and  approved  by  the  Vice  President  for  Academic
                                   Affairs/Campus Director; and
               The University Registrar shall prepare the cross-enrolment form to be presented by the
                                   student to the chosen school.

                        5.5.5. Validation is not required of students given permission to cross register in schools other
                                than State Colleges and Universities.

                        5.6. Request to take Simultaneous Pre-requisite and Advanced Subject
                        5.6.1.  A  student  may  be  allowed  to  enroll  in  the  pre-requisite  and  advanced  subjects
                                simultaneously under the following conditions;
                        5.6.2. The pre-requisite is a repeated subject;
                        5.6.3. The advanced subject was invalidated due to failure in the pre-requisite subject;
                        5.6.4. These are the only subjects left to finish the course; and
                        5.6.5. The request is recommended by the dean, noted by the University Registrar and approved
                                by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Campus Director.

                        5.7. Request for Subject Substitute
                        5.7.1. The subject substitute must have the same number of units and allied to the required
                        5.7.2.  The  subject  involved  belongs  to  the  old  curriculum  and  is  non-existent  in  the  new
                                curriculum offered by the University; and
                        5.7.3. The request must be recommended by the Dean, noted by the University Registrar and
                                approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Campus Director.

                        5.8. Enrolment Procedure
                        5.8.1. Undergraduate Programs
               Secure an enrollment form from the College Dean ( the College Dean shall  evaluate
                                   subjects taken and will provide the class schedule);
               Present the accomplished form to the registrar for encoding of subjects;
               Present the form to the cash section for validation and
                         payment of fees; Settle your Student Insurance payment at
                         the Cashiering Office; Pay mutual assistance fee.

                        5.8.2. Graduate Programs
               Secure a Registration Form from the Graduate Studies Office; (for new Student, Fill-up
                                   application form for admission);
               Fill-up the Registration Form (refer to the schedule of course posted at the Graduate
                                   Studies Office);
               Present the duly accomplished registration form to the Dean for signature, then to the
                                   University Registrar for confirmation of subject;
               Proceed to the Accounting Section for assessment;
               Pay the enrollment fees at the Cashiers Office;
               Present the  Official Receipt at the Accounting for recording;
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