Page 495 - PARAMETER D
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5.13.3. A difference in the assessed fees resulting from a subject that was changed with another
that has more units shall be paid by the concerned student;
5.13.4. Total load carried by a student including the additional subject/s must not exceed the
maximum under the rule on academic load or that, which is prescribed for his
curriculum year during the term/semester; and
5.13.5. Subject changed/added unofficially or without prior approval of the Dean shall not be
given credit.
5.14. Dropping of Subjects
5.14.1. A student may, with the consent of his Instructor or Adviser and the College Dean, drop
a subject before midterm by filling up a dropping subject form;
5.14.2. No dropping of subjects shall be permitted after the specified period except for justifiable
reasons and upon recommendation of the Instructor or Adviser concerned. The
corresponding fee thereof shall be paid at the Cash section;
5.14.3. Dropping a subject shall be allowed before the midterm examination. The student is given
a dropped “D” as a remark. After the midterms, the student who drops is given a
failing grade of 70%; and
5.14.4. Refund of tuition and laboratory fees for the subject to be dropped shall be allowed
subject to the following: (Refer to refund of fees): If dropping the subject is done due to cancellation/merging of the subject by
the University; and If dropping of the subject/s was due to sickness, duly supported by a medical certificate
issued/verified by the School Physician or any government physician.