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P. 508

programs as approved by the Board of Regents shall enjoy 40% discount on
                                       tuition fee only.
               The scholar must maintain a general weighted average of 80% or better in all subjects
                                       without failing grades, INC or conditional in the immediately preceding semester
                                       to continue availing of this scholarship.

               Scholarship for LGU Officials
                                    Legitimate officials of Local Government Units are also exempted for paying tuition
                                   fee.  However,  those  enrolled  in  the  Health  Science  program  and  other  special
                                   programs as approved by the Board of Regents shall enjoy 40% discount on tuition
                                   fee only. This scholarship applies only to students enrolled in undergraduate courses.
               IFSU Employees’ Children Privilege Scholarship
                                    Children of IFSU employees who are not married are entitled to free full tuition fee
                                   when  enrolled  to  any  Baccalaureate  within  the  prescribed  years.  However,  this
                                   scholarship can be availed of for only one program. Furthermore, those enrolled in
                                   BSN, Midwifery shall be given 40% discount on tuition fee only.
                Brother-Sister  Privilege  Scholarship.  Two  siblings  with  at  least  one  common
                                   biological parent are entitled to twenty percent (20%) discount each on their tuition
                                   fees. For three (3) or
                             more brothers/sisters enrolled in the University, only one is entitled free tuition fee.
               IFSU Employees Scholarship. IFSU (regular) employees who are enrolled in the
                                   Baccalaureate as well as in the Graduate level shall be exempted from paying the
                                   tuition fee. However, this scholarship can be availed of for only one program.
                Law  Enforcement  Agencies  -  IFSU  Scholarship.  Members  of  the  Law
                                   Enforcement Agencies who enroll in the University shall enjoy discounts provided for
                                   by existing MOA. However, this scholarship can be availed of for only one program.
               DepEd-IFSU Scholarship. Principals and Cooperating Teachers in the Department
                                   of Education who enroll in the Graduate Programs of the University shall be granted
                                   twenty percent (20%) discount in tuition fees. However, this scholarship can be
                                   availed  of  for  only  one  program  and  or  as  per  provisions  stipulated  in  the
                                   Memorandum of Agreement signed by both parties.
                Assistantships/Financial  Grants.  Students  who  are  financially  poor  but
                                   academically able and willing to work shall be hired as student assistants/laborers in
                                   any office/projects of the University; provided they shall work in areas along their
                                   line of specialization, subject to the usual accounting and auditing regulations.
               Student Assistants.  The student must have a general academic average of 80%
                                       and no failing grades during the preceding term and must currently carry a load
                                       of not more than 18 units during the semester and 6 units during summer.
               Student Laborers.  Interested students with at least an average rating of “75%” and
                                       with  all  subjects  passing  shall  be  given  work;  provided  that  the  students
                                       concerned shall carry not more than 15 units during the semester and six units
                                       during summer.

                        3.18.4. Government Scholarships
                                       The  University  honors  the  scholarship  from  any  of  the  National,  Provincial
                                Scholarship/Assistance Programs.
               National Integrated Student Grant Program (NISGP);
               Selected Ethnic Groups Educational Assistance Program (SEGEAP);
               Barangay Scholarship Program (BSP);
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