Page 514 - PARAMETER D
P. 514

Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program

                                      NUMBER OF SCHOLARS AND GRANTEES
                                                  FOR THE YEAR 2020

                   A.  GRANTS FROM THE   GOVERNMENT

                              A.1. Free Higher Education

                                   Second Semester, 2019-2020

                                   Total Number of Enrolees                                   1,350
                                   Total Number of Enrolled students who were                 1,256
                                   Qualified for the Free Higher Education
                                   Percentage of Enrolled students who availed Free           ~93%
                                   Higher Education

                                   First Semester, 2020-2021

                                   Total Number of Enrolees                                   2,125

                                   Total Number of Enrolled students who were                 1,965
                                   Qualified for the Free Higher Education
                                   Percentage of Enrolled students who availed Free           ~92%
                                   Higher Education

                              A.2. Tertiary Education Subsidy

                                   Second Semester, 2019-2020

                                   Total Number of Undergraduate Enrolees                     1,256

                                   Total Number of Enrolled students who were TES              235
                                   Grantees (Continuing)
                                   Percentage of Enrolled students who availed Free           ~19%
                                   Higher Education
   509   510   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519