P. 11

5.6. Request to Take Simultaneous Pre-requisite and Advanced Subject
                 5.7. Request for Subject Substitute
                 5.8. Enrolment Procedure
                 5.9. Academic Retention
                 5.10. Classification of Students
                 5.11. Academic Load
                 5.12. Advanced Credits/Accreditation of Units Earned
                 5.13. Changing and Adding Subjects
                 5.14. Dropping of Subjects
                 5.15. Substitution of Subjects
                 5.16. Petition for Unscheduled Subjects
                 5.17. Class Size
                 5.18. Changing of Class Schedule
                 5.19. Dismissal and Suspension of Classes
                 5.20. Transfer of Time and Room Schedule
                 5.21. Attendance and Tardiness
                 5.22. Study Load
                 5.23. Honorable Dismissal
                 5.24. Regular and Miscellaneous Fees
                 5.25. Exemption from Paying Late Registration Fee
                 5.26. Refund of Fees
                 5.27. Charges upon Withdrawal/Dropping
                 5.28. Refund of Excess Payment of Fees
                 5.29. Examinations
                 5.30. Examination Permits
                 5.31. Grading System
                 5.32. Incomplete Grades
                 5.33. Special Examinations
                 5.34. Zero Academic Deficiency
                 5.35. Requirements for Graduation
                 5.36. Graduation with Honors
                 5.37. Special Citations
                 5.38. Ecumenical, Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises
                 Chapter 6 – The Conduct of Educational Tours and Field Trips                     214-215
                 6.1. Basic Principles and Policies
                 6.2. Procedures
                 6.3. Evaluation of Field Trips
                 6.4. Duties/Responsibilities of Class Treasurer/Business Manager
                 6.5. Duties/Responsibilities of Students Joining the Field Trip
                 6.6. Cancellation/Suspension of Educational Tours and/or Field Trips
                 Chapter 7 – Students Mutual Aid System                                             216
                 Chapter 8 – Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Students                        217
                 8.1  Protection of Students’ Rights
                 8.2  Duties and Responsibilities of Every Student
                 Chapter 9 – Student Code of Conduct and Discipline                               218-225
                 9.1. Norms of Conduct
                 9.2. Behavior Subject to Disciplinary Action
                 9.3. Locus of Responsibility for Disciplinary Action
                 9.4. Guidelines for Disciplinary Administration
                 9.5. Fair Procedure in Applying Disciplinary Sanctions
                 9.6. Disciplinary Sanctions
                 9.7. Offenses and Sanctions

                                                                  IFSU Code
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