Page 15 - Prospectus V5
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Our                        Parent Endorsements

 Distinctive                "I love that the children are encouraged to set goals and strive
                            to achieve them, even from Prep. It helped give my kids a sense

 At  Victory,  the  Christian  Faith  is  explored   of value – that their opinion mattered, a drive to achieve their
 through  our  Values  Program,  Devotions,   goals, and a sense of achievement once completing them. To give
 Bible  classes  and  Chapel  Services.  children a sense of value is something that is not widely valued
 Both  staff  and  students  are  challenged    in society, yet the school does it so naturally."
 and encouraged to live and act in a
 manner  that  reflects  Christian  values    "As parents, we really wanted a school with values consistent
 and expresses Christ’s love to others.   with the way we had been raising our children; to be good
                            people  and  care  for  others.  Our  girls  feel  really  nurtured  and

 Our  teaching  staff  blend  their  skills,     safe at VCC. I have seen the support and encouragement they
 unique qualities and love of God, to    get  from  everyone  –  their  friends,  principal,  teachers,  other
 inspire our students to find their passion,   parents,  older  children  and  even  the  administration  staff.
 always do their best, and seek a life of    Their genuine regard for their friends and the school community
 faith and service to others.    lets me know that they feel part of something pretty special."

 We encourage our students to look
 beyond  themselves,  and  gain  an  Student Endorsement
 understanding of the wider world. Our
 students engage in local community   "Victory Christian College helped me towards reaching my full
 service programs, and have opportunities   potential as a student, leader and friend. I am honoured to be
 to undertake life changing journeys to the   a part of an amazing community that helped me to realise that I
 United States, Vanuatu and other Mission   am capable of anything that I put my mind to."
 Fields,   experiencing   diverse   cultures
 and  serving  the  underprivileged  in  those
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