Page 18 - DIVA_2_2020
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 i n t e r n a t i o n a ll                                                                   I n t e r n a t i o n a l
                                                                The 21st Century
                                                                   Renaissance of




                                                                experience in

 Interview with Mr.                                               the face of a
 Rabih El-Haddad

                                                                gloomy crisis
 the Director of the Division for Multilateral

 Diplomacy at the United Nations Institute for

 Training and Research (UNITAR)

 Unforeseen  and  unprecedented  challenges  such  as  natural   (UNITAR),  addresses  the  questions  by  sharing  effective   of  global  collaboration.  On  top  of  that,  the  International   the national interests. In turn, diplomacy has become a crisis
 disasters, terrorism, cyber warfare, and pandemics are shaping   insights and UNITAR’s own experience.    Monetary  Fund  is  warning  us  about  an  imminent  global   management practice, mostly beneficial on the short term.
 the 21  century. The transnational nature of such challenges   recession. As a matter of fact, according to the International   However, given the multi-layered trait of the challenges, we
 requires cross-sectoral, multifaceted, and complex responses.   Given  the  traditional  face-to-face  nature  of  diplomatic   Labour Organization five to 25 million jobs will be eradicated   will need a more concerted effort to confront them on the
 Therefore,  every  sector,  from  the  public  to  the  private,  is   practices, is COVID-19 jeopardising the essence of diplomacy   en masse, and the world could lose up to more than three   long term. Therefore, diplomacy should follow the essence of
 affected and required to yield tangible solutions. On April 24,   at large?  trillion  dollars  in  labour  income.  Furthermore,  the  World   multilateralism, which combines efforts by all States to tackle
 the world celebrated the International Day of Multilateralism   The current pandemic is surely affecting the art of diplomacy   Trade Organization is expecting the world trade to plunge   a common challenge that transcends borders. Undoubtedly,
 and Diplomacy for Peace. The event epitomises an essential   at its core. In other words, there is no diplomatic immunity   between 13 per cent and 32 per cent this year. Overall, we need   support to international organisations is the key for effective
 opportunity to commend the significance and the need for   to  the  crisis.  However,  it  is  not  jeopardising  its  purpose.   to bear in mind that the challenge is multidimensional, and   multilateralism. Accordingly, member states of the European
 a robust multilateral approach to tackle and overcome the   We  are  currently  seeing  a  reshape  of  diplomatic  practices   that diplomacy is surely changing the tools through which it   Union are reinforcing their commitment in supporting the
 current crisis. Moreover, as recently stated by the Secretary-  on a global level. Priorities are changing week in week out.   operates whilst still thriving, let alone being jeopardised.  work of the World Health Organization, a pivotal machinery
 General of the United Nations (UN), “with the right actions,   Foreign Ministries in some of the most affected countries,   in fighting the pandemic. Similarly, Saudi Arabia has pledged
 the COVID-19 pandemic can mark the beginning of a new   such  as  Italy  and  Spain,  are  managing  the  supplying  of   What path should diplomacy follow to tackle the existing   USD 500 million to health organisations and programmes.
 type of global and societal cooperation”. Nonetheless, many   medical equipment which requires considerable cooperation   and forthcoming challenges?  In  addition,  the  present  and  forthcoming  challenges  are
 questions arise on how diplomacy and the UN system will   among  countries.  Most  recently  the  United  Kingdom  has   Diplomacy is alive and it is shifting its paradigm. The bilateral   going  to  have  tremendous  spillover  effects  that  go  beyond
 practically adapt to the paradigm shift. Mr. Rabih El-Haddad,   announced  a  £75  million  plan  to  bring  back  the  British   work  of  diplomats  has  radically  changed.  They  naturally   one single realm. Global economy, peace, and security will
 the  Director  of  the  Division  for  Multilateral  Diplomacy   citizens currently overseas. Again, that entails a high degree   moved their attention onto the national level, safeguarding   be dramatically impacted by both the pandemic and future
 at  the  United  Nations  Institute  for  Training  and  Research

     D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT  I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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