Page 37 - DIVA_2_2024-web
P. 37


                   Recently you experienced an unusual situation   the lonely days of the pandemic when the Palais
                   – you found yourself totally alone surrounded   was completely empty, you visited me every day.
                   by the dark buildings and dark park. How did   The  pandemic  period  was  the  most  difficult
                   you feel?                              time for me as everything was unknown and it
                   Actually this time it was not so bad because I am   was not clear how it would evolve: something I
                   still  completely  covered  awaiting  inauguration,   had never experienced before. But now I have
                   and I know that there are renovation works so   hope and know that all difficulties are temporary
                   the  unusual  situation  was  fully  justified.  But  I   and soon the Palais will open its doors and will
                   remember more dramatic events, as I’ve already   be again filled with people. I hope that the old
                   mentioned, like when the Palais was fully dark in   tradition of the Open Days will return, and that
                   1940 during the evacuation. However, even then,   the halls will be filled not only with delegates but
                   a  group  of  people  refused  to  evacuate,  among   with the innocent laughter of children. This is
                   them the acting Secretary-General, Sean Lester,   the proof of the secure and peaceful world we
                   appointed after Avenol’s resignation. Mr Lester,   are building for them.
                   as Captain of the Navire, never left me; he even   Yes, we hope so too! Let’s keep this hope!      •
                   lived  at  the  Palais  throughout  WWII,  without
                   electricity or basic amenities. But of course, you
                   already know all this: your Chief Editor, Marit
                   Fosse, brilliantly details this in her book “Sean
                   Lester:  The  Guardian  of  a  Small  Flickering
                   Light”.  It  describes  how  he  tried  to  keep  the
                   light of future peace alive and pass it over to the
                   UN. In addition to Mr. Lester, of course, I was
                   surrounded by the UN flags, symbolizing unity:
                   a shame that they were later moved to the front
                   door, I’ve always thought.

                   We  will  tell  the  story  of  the  flags  another
                   time, but of course now you are accompanied
                   by  an  even  more  significant  symbol  of
                   unity:  Pistoletto’s  “Rebirth”  statue  in  stones,
                   symbolizing  all  Member  States  of  the  UN
                   Yes, I have now the stones as the images of the   (The  author  expresses  deep  gratitude  to  Jean-
                   countries  and  their  unity.  It  is  an  important   Claude Pallas, former Chief of SBST of the UNOG
                   symbol,  but  not  many  people  seem  to  know   and the author of the book «Histoire et architecture
                   about it now; they mostly come and sit on them,   du Palais des Nations (1924-2001). L’Art Déco au
                   not realizing their importance as it is less obvious   service des relations internationales» for courtesy
                   than  the  flags’  symbolism.  There  was  another   photos  and  factual  material.  The  above  story
                   important  symbol,  but  it  was  unfortunately   is written based on the archives of the LoN, US
                   destroyed  during  a  thunderstorm  in  1946:  the   State archives, the Wilson Foundation and other
                   year of League of Nations’ dissolution. That was   archives  on  Paul  Manship’s  oeuvres,  including
                   the  Temple  of  Peace,  built  by  the  founder  of   private  archives.  It  is  also  based  on  numerous
                   the Peace Society in Geneva, Count de Sellon.   documents  and  researches,  including  Webster
                   I would love for this to be restored and placed   University  research  by  Pierre-Etienne  Bourneuf
                   close to Pistoletto’s stones, reinforcing the sense   “La Sphère armillaire: l’histoire d’un mémorial“
                   of rebirth, unity and peace.           (Revue  Suisse  d’histoire,  2018,  Ein  Dienst  der
                                                          ETH-Bibliothek  ETH  Zürich  www.library.ethz.
                   But I’m not short of company – Revilliod is always   ch 2018, 2023) plus personal
                   close to me, I have bees as my neighbours, I am   years-long research and archive collection. Also, a
                   guarded by the Cedre du Liban of Revilliod, and   bit of imagination!)
                   have peacocks as frequent visitors. And during

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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