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                                                                          together, they have to put their differences aside,
                                                                          and respect each other. How can you situate this
                                                                          point of view into the current context?
                                                                          Indeed, trade supports peace. Look at the history
                                                                          of  the  establishment  of  the  pre-WTO  GATT,
                                                                          created in 1948, immediately after World War II.
                                                                          One was the big reasons for its creation was to
                                                                          avoid a repeat of the destructive trade tensions
                                                                          before World War II (WTO).

                                                                          That’s not to say that it’s all about peace – there’s
                                                                          a healthy dose of self-interest driving trade. As
                                                                          we  saw  during  the  pandemic,  we  rely  heavily
                                                                          on multi-country supply chains to get everyday
                                                                          basics,  from  rice  to  toilet  paper  to  mobile
                                                                          phones. Every country has an incentive to buy
                                                                          from  and  sell  to  each  other.  This  element  of
                                                                          trade also supports peace because every country
                                                                          benefits from playing by the rules of multilateral
                       In Viet Nam  Trust,  peace  and  predictability  are  often   trade. So the big picture is, you can’t have peace
                                   mentioned as being the main issues of successful   or sustainable development without trade. Trade
                                   trade. Are there other important factors in your   reduces poverty, raises incomes, creates jobs and
                                   opinion that we should bear in mind?   supports socioeconomic development.
                                   Beyond  the  foundational  elements  of  trade
                                   –  such  as  a  strong  multilateral  trading   This is important to know, as the world becomes
                                   system  underpinned  by  reliable  logistics  and   more fragile and conflicts become more frequent.
                                   infrastructure, market access, and participation   Nearly 90% of the world’s poor could be living in
                                   of  women  and  youth,  for  example  –  I  would   fragile states by 2030. It’s clear that we’re going to
                                   add “dialogue” as another key factor for trade.   need bigger, holistic responses. The immediate
                                   You  can’t  have  trade  that  works  for  everyone   humanitarian response in the short to medium
                                   – including women, youth, Indigenous Peoples,   term  needs  to  be  paired  with  plans  to  build
                                   refugees,  developing  countries  –  without   economic resilience, for long-term stability and
                                   accounting for everyone’s perspective. How will   security. Focusing solely on meeting immediate
                                   you make rules for small businesses if you don’t   needs  is  like  putting  a  bandage  on  a  gaping
                                   know their pain points, innovations and ideas?  wound.  Pass  policies  that  support  the  small
                                   That’s  why  we  deliver  homegrown,  not   business ecosystem; support small businesses to
                                   “helicopter” technical assistance. That means we   continue to produce goods and services and to
                                   listen to and exchange with the entrepreneurs,   employ people; and provide targeted support to
                                   heads  of  institutions  and  policymakers  we   vulnerable groups, including women and youth,
                                   engage with, so that the training and coaching   who are among those hit hardest by conflict. Let
                                   we provide is practical and useful for them. We   me share an example of how trade is supporting
                                   want to ensure that long after a project ends, the   peace in Iraq. We’re supporting the development
                                   impact goes on.                        of  the  agri-food  industry  in  a  demand-driven
                                                                          way, with a long-term vision. With no subsidies,
                                   All  of  our  projects  and  programmes  are   no  free  inputs,  we  are  helping  farmers  double
                                   informed by the small businesses we’re working   incomes  by  connecting  them  with  buyers  and
                                   for,  the  institutions  we’re  strengthening,  the   helping them comply with market requirements.
                                   policymakers we’re partnering with.    In February, at our Iraq National Trade Forum
                                                                          in  Baghdad,  we  connected  small  businesses
                                   The founder of the World Trade Center in New   in  farming,  food  processing,  packaging  and
                                   York,  Guy  Tozzoli,  used  to  say  that  trade  is  a   logistics  with  buyers  and  investors  through
                                   means  of  peace,  because  when  people  trade   240  business-to-business  sessions,  resulting  in

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