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P. 35


               working  on  a  model  in  wax.  At  his  atelier,  he
               gathered a team of sculptors and other artists to
               work on the various aspects of the design. The
               team  included  such  famous  names  as  Angelo
               Collombo,  Giuseppe  Massari,  and  Richard
               Pousette-Dart,  the  renowned  painter  who
               collaborated  with  Herbert  Kammerer  on  the
               sphere’s  lettering.  The  original  plaster  moulds,
               executed by Flitzer, were ready in 1938 and were
               sent to the Bruno Bearzi Atelier in Florence for
               casting.  Bearzi  cast  the  sphere’s  elements  from
               these plaster moulds using a “lost wax” process
               using  a  bronze/zinc  high-tin  alloy  with  added

               The  Sphere  represents  85  constellations.  They
               are  hollow,  with  holes  to  allow  rainwater  and
               condensation  to  run  off.  The  rotation  axis  is
               oriented to the North Star, and the design shows
               the stars as seen from Geneva. The monument
               itself consists of a spherical frame studded with   Assembly Hall, but Manship had set the condition
               hollow  astronomical  figures  in  gilded  bronze   of having a pool of water: actually, his initial idea
               leaf and stars, and originally, it rotated around   was to have 15m to 80m pool and to have the
               an axis placed on a semi-circular support. All the   Sphere rotating in the middle of it. Another idea
               astronomical  figures  are  of  gilded  bronze,  and   was the upper gallery near the Assembly Hall,
               840 stars of four different sizes are of 80 per cent   seen from Salle des Pas Perdues. But the size of
               silver nickel alloy. The diameter of the sphere is   the pool and the dimension of the Sphere would
               3.58m, and the overall diameter 4.10m, with a   have blocked the panoramic view and destroyed
               total weight of 5,800 kg. As a signature, it bears   the impression of peace and harmony, as well as
               Manship’s self-portrait with his tools, in profile,   closing the lake view. The final option was the
               hidden among the constellations. It is placed on   Court d’Honneur, but a pool that size could not
               a plinth representing four turtles.    be placed there as it would have taken almost the
                                                      whole surface of the Court, which was supposed
               Will the self-portrait be restored? I know some   to be part of the Park. There was also a proposal
               pieces  were  detached,  unfortunately,  and  I   to place the Sphere outside the premises, on the
               remember  seeing  them  with  my  colleagues  at   Place des Nations.
               the  exposition  in  2003,  and  I  keep  the  rarest
               photos  of  the  pieces,  including  the  Manship   This could be an interesting idea, because today
               portrait.  And  I  remember  seeing  it  hidden   the Sphere is perceived as a Geneva International
               in  the  Sphere  before  it  detached:  it  was   landmark, symbolizing the capital of peace and
               the  previous  architect  who  showed  me  the   diplomacy. This is the image and perception of
               secret.  Will  this  secret  return  to  the  Sphere?   the Sphere today.
               If  this  is  a  secret,  let’s  then  keep  it  as  a  secret   But in the 1930s the main purpose was still to
               – just wait and see…                   have  a  Memorial  to  President  Wilson,  rather
                                                      than  to  Geneva,  and  not  to  shift  attention  to
               How  was  the  place  chosen?  If  it  is  a  Spirit  of   other political figures. So it was decided to place
               Geneva  monument,  why  it  was  placed  inside   it  inside  the  premises  of  the  League.  For  that,
               the grounds, not so visible to the public?   Paul Manship quickly adjusted his idea to have
               This  is  a  very  legitimate  question,  and  several   a smaller pool, similar to the one that at the New
               options  were  indeed  considered,  that  turned   York Fair, but not touching the Court d’Honneur
               out to be more political than it may seem today.   too much. In the beginning, it was decided to
               One of the options was to place it in front of the   place it in the middle of the Court, but finally, it

               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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