Page 43 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 43


                                                                                                 “There are
                                                                                                 11 fountains,

                                                                                                 11 museums,
                                                                                                 11 historical


                                                                                                 11 towers!”

                                                                                                 Square in
                                                                                                 Solothurn with
                                                                                                 clocks tower
                   the local dialect. Nowadays the number 11 is  hammer – the metalwork sculpture performs
                   celebrated more and more as a brand, and in  the  Solothurner  Lied,  the  town’s  unofficial
                   Solothurn once you pay attention to it you see  anthem.
                   it everywhere.
                                                          So, if you are interested and intrigued by the
                   Solothurn clock – do not be late!      story, go there yourself and walk around the
                   The  ultimate  celebration  of  the  number,  town. Leaving aside the numerological issues,
                   however,  is  the  famous  “Solothurn  clock”,  it is one of the most beautiful baroque Swiss
                   which  only  shows  eleven  hours,  and  which  settlements.  If  for  you,  the  number  after  10
                   plays  the  “Solothurn  Song”  on  eleven  bells  has  never  been  anything  special,  come  to
                   at eleven o’clock. This clock, with its 11-hour  Solothurn  and  see  it  celebrated  in  myriad
                   dial  and  missing  number  12,  is  a  confusing  ways. Just make sure to get there before 11!
             Fete des sciences to  any  unsuspecting  passer-by.
                   When  its  11  cogs  turn  to  chime  its  11  bells
                   – courtesy of a harlequin dutifully striking a

                                          Library in Geneva
                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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