Page 42 - DIVA_2_2018
P. 42


           Shas maqom

                                                       a classic music of orient


          Shashmaqom (in Farsi - <<Six maqoms>>) is a leading mu-  gions of the country. Since 1975 competitions of amateur
          sical-cyclic genre of musical heritage of Uzbek and Tajik  maqom ensembles and since 1983 - international as well
          people, which got formed in the XVIII century on the  as republican competitions of young maqom performers
          basis of system of 12 maqoms (or Duvozdakh maqom)  and ensembles have been conducted. Among the bearers
          and music traditions of Bukhara, which is considered  of Shashmaqom traditions it is possible to mention Ota
          one of the most ancient cultural centers of Central Asia.  Jalol Nosirov, Ota Ghiyoz Abdughani, Levi Babakhanov,
          Shashmaqom is a cycle consisting of six maqoms, name-  Domla Khalim Ibadov, Yunus Rajabiy, Fakhriddin Sodi-
          ly Buzruk, Rost, Navo, Dugoh, Segoh and Iroq. Each of  qov, Berta Davydova, Turghun Alimatov, Munojot Yol-
          these consists of two parts respectively, i.e. instrumental  chieva, Olmas Rasulov and others. Among ensembles it
          one (which is called <<Mushkilot>>) and vocal one (which  is possible to mention maqom ensemble named after Y.
          is called <<Nasr>>), representing more than 250 cycles of  Rajabiy, maqom ensemble of Bukhara Regional Philhar-
          instrumental and vocal compositions in total. Shash-  monic Society. In 2003 <<The Music of Shashmaqom>> was
          maqom got formed in urban environment, and its bear-  recognized by UNESCO as the <<Masterpiece of Intangi-
          ers of traditions were well-known musicians and sing-  ble Cultural Heritage of Humanity>> and in 2008 was in-
          ers. Its vocal part was performed in Uzbek and Tajik  scribed in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural
          languages. The texts were mainly taken from the poems  Heritage of UNESCO (joint nomination by Uzbekistan
          of classics of oriental poetry and were dedicated to love-  and Tajikistan).
          related, lyrical, philosophical, didactic, religious themes.
          Folk poetry examples were also used. Most widely used  Khoresm Maqoms
          musical instrument was tanbur. Instrumental part of each  Khoresm maqoms are one of the local types of maqom,
          maqom included instrumental compositions such as  spread in Uzbekistan. The cycle of <<Khoresm maqoms>>
          <<Tasnif <<Tarje>>, <<Gardun>>, <<Mukhammas>> and <<Sakil>>,  emerged on the basis of Shashmaqom and music traditions
          performed either solo or by instrumental ensemble. Vo-  of Khoresm at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries and
          cal parts are considered the most difficult and complete  comprises of such maqoms as Rost Buzruk, Navo, Dugoh,
          ones in terms of structure, melos and form and are di-  Segoh, Iraq and Pandjgoh (in practice they are called <<Six
          vided into two cycles (shuba): the first one includes <<Sar-  and a half maqoms>> or <<Khoresm Shashmaqom>>). Each
          akhbor>>, <<Talqin>>, <<Nasr>> and <<Ufar>>, performed by a  maqom in its turn is divided into two parts, i.e. instrumental
          leading singer - hofiz; between main parts <<Tarona>> was  part called <<Chertim yoli>> (Mansur) and vocal part called
          sung by vocal ensemble as a connecting one. The second  <<Aytim you>> (Manzum). The cycle includes about 200 in-
          cycle (shuba) includes five-part cycles of <<Moghulcha>>  strumental and vocal compositions. Famous composers of
          and <<Savt>> (except maqom <<Iroq>>), the creators of which  Khoresm, such as Niyozkhon Hoja, Feruz, Komil Khoraz-
          were bastakors (creators of oral musical tradition).   miy, Muhammadrasul Mirzo, Matyoqub Harrat and others
                                                              created new instrumental compositions and enriched them
          Starting from the XX century Shashmaqom has been re-  in terms of form and content. Khoresm maqoms have been
          corded (by V. Uspenskiy, Yunus Rajabiy, A. Babakhanov)  performed with application of own local traditions and
          and published in the form of separate collections, has  musical dialects. Instrumental part unites a cycle of instru-
          been scientifically studied and integrated in the new sys-  mental compositions as <<Tanimaqom>>, <<Taije>>, <<Gardun>>,
          tem of music education (music schools, academic lyceu-  <<Peshrav>>, <<Muhammas>>, <<Saqil>> and <<Ufar>>, which are
          ms, colleges, the Conservatoire, Institute of Art and Cul-  performed either solo or by instrumental ensemble. Vocal
          ture). Activities associated with awareness- raising about  part comprises of vocal and instrumental compositions as
          Shashmaqom are nowadays conducted by professional  <<Tanimaqom>>, <<Talqin>>, <<Nasr>> and <<Ufaf' (<<Tarona>> was
          and amateur maqom ensembles, operating in all re-  performed only after <<Tanimaqom>>) as well as typical for

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