Page 10 - DIVA_3_2019
P. 10
The establishment and development of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of was, first of all, started with the
Kyrgyzstan, which was established entry into the United Nations
in 1944, marks this year its 75th in 1992 and establishing close
anniversary. cooperation with the Organization
In 1944, Kyrgyzstan, along with the and its Specialized Agencies.
other 15 republics, was a member of
the Soviet Union. According to the For Kyrgyzstan, joining the
Constitution of the Soviet Union, they UN opened up new prospects
were sovereign socialist republics with for ensuring national interests
their own parliament and government. and enhancing its role in the
But at the same time, by the separate decree foreign policy international arena. The UN adopted more than 10 resolutions
and international relations of all 15 Soviet republics were of the General Assembly at the request and initiative of
delegated to the All-Union Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kyrgyzstan. Among them: on celebration of the millennium
of the Kyrgyz national epos Manas; on announcement
On February 1944, the law "on providing authority to the of 2002 as the International Year of the Mountains; on
Union's republics in foreign relations and establishing their sustainable development in mountain regions; on assisting
Foreign Ministries" was adopted. This law was allowing the poor mountain countries to overcome obstacles in the
Soviet Union's republics with a purpose of strengthening socioeconomic and environmental fields; on sustainable
international ties and cooperation to establish direct relations mountain development; on the celebration of the Year of
with foreign governments, sign agreements with them, Kyrgyz Statehood; on World Social Justice Day; on the role of
exchange diplomatic and consular representatives. However, the international community in averting the radiation threat
until Kyrgyzstan gained independence these rights were not in Central Asia, as well as series of resolutions on the Central
implemented in practice. Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
On March 17, 1944 the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Over the years of independence, Kyrgyzstan has become
SSR adopted the decision on establishing the People's a member of many major international organizations. At
Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz SSR. This was present, the country is a member of 123 various international
the turning moment in the history of Ministry of Foreign organizations and associations. The establishment of the
Affairs of Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Kazy Dikambaev (1944-1949) Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN Office
was appointed as the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of and other international organizations in Geneva in 1996
Kyrgyzstan. Within its 75 years history there were twenty was an important event in the development of international
one Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Chingiz relations of the country. Regular meetings of the country's
Aidarbekov, the current 22nd Minister of Foreign Affairs of leaders and members of the government in the framework of
Kyrgyzstan, has been in this position since 2018. international forums in Geneva have become an important
direction of the country's political interaction with the
In 1944, the staff of Foreign Ministry of Kyrgyzstan had only international community.
four employees, and its central administrative body had After gaining independence, Kyrgyzstan established and
only three divisions: Political, Protocol, and General. Such a strengthened diplomatic relations with 155 countries of the
structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the number world. Until now, thousands of treaties and agreements on
of staff not exceeding ten employees existed until 1991. friendship and cooperation with these countries have been
The modern Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan in its signed.
current form was established in 1991 after the disintegration
of the Soviet Union and establishment of independent The recently adopted foreign policy concept determines that
Kyrgyzstan on August 31, 1991. At present, the Ministry of Kyrgyzstan is apeaceful, democratic country, striving to build
Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan has big central administration a rule of law and protect human rights. In its foreign policy,
with more than 30 diplomatic missions abroad. the country adheres to the principles of the inviolability
The emergence of Kyrgyzstan as a democratic legal state of its state borders, strengthening of diverse ties with countries
and a real actor on the world stage took place amid difficult of the world, and prevention of conflicts.
fundamental political and economic transformations in the In general, sovereign Kyrgyzstan in its foreign policy continues
world, but over a short historical period, the country's foreign advocating for nuclear-free Central and Internal Asia,
policy was able to go through not only the stage of formation, peaceful coexistence and solution of all problems through
but also successfully integrated into international diplomatic political negotiations, as well as for mutually beneficial socio-
life. The integration of Kyrgyzstan into the world community economic and cultural integration.