Page 22 - DIVA_3_2019
P. 22


                Believe it or not, it was an article in The New York Times, years  before my arrival and emerged from various committees
                back, that first drew our attention to the importance of work  such as the Coal Committee that were created right at the
                done in Geneva in the field of energy. Now, experts gather  foundation of UNECE in 1947. The Committee on Sustainable
                there from all over to discuss and decide upon standards,  Energy works to ensure access to affordable and clean energy
                rules and regulations that are so complicated technically  to all and to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the
                that only experts can understand them. The man behind this  carbon footprint of the energy sector. We are developing
                international recognition is Mr Scott Foster. Let us briefly  and deploying normative instruments, including our
                introduce him. He has worked extensively with governments  work on standards and best practice guidances in energy
                and international organizations on energy policy, market  efficiency, renewable energy, natural gas and methane.
                design and regulation, climate change, investment promotion,  Proper management of methane from source to use will be
                and renewables technology and policy for more than 30 years.  an effective means of reducing emissions of an intensive
                Mr. Foster holds a B.A. from Dartmouth College, an M.S. in  greenhouse gas. UNECE is helping countries improve
                civil engineering from Stanford University, and an M.B.A.  management of their natural resource endowments through
                from the University of California at Berkeley.   the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) and
                                                                we published recommendations to policy makers on carbon
                It goes without saying that he is a very busy man, more now  capture and storage.
                than ever. All of a sudden, owing to planetary warming,  In terms of greatest impact today, I would say our work
                everybody is interested in energy - green, fossil based,  on sustainable resource management, high performance
                nuclear - and whom do they turn to? Mr Foster at the  buildings, and methane management in extractive industries
                Sustainable Energy Division at UNECE. As if this were not  all stand out. Topics that are picking up their tempo
                enough, he also publishes regular articles on Linkedln such  include the idea of a "just" transition - the modernization
                as "How can we achieve energy for sustainable development?"  of aging industry infrastructure taking account of social and
                We had a chance to approach Mr Foster him in the corridor  environmental requirements of local communities.
                at the United Nations one day, when he was coming back  The UN brand is an important part of our work. We are able
                from one of the numerous conferences he and his colleagues  to mobilize broad communities of experts who are passionate
                organize, and he was kind enough to sit down with us and  about the contributions they can make to the UN's  2030
                answer our questions.                           Agenda for Sustainable Development. Everyone wants to
                                                                play a role, their role, in improving quality of life in all of its
                Q: Could you tell us  little about yourself?    dimensions. That makes our work easier as we are able to
                I joined the United Nations in 2011 as director of UNECE's  access extremely high quality professionals, but it also makes
                Sustainable Energy Division. Prior to that I was a  our work harder as there is a need to manage people and
                management consultant advising energy companies on their  processes across the range of our topics to deliver meaningful
                strategies, a senior employee at a global energy company and  outcomes.
                a California utility, and an energy expert working for and
                with intergovernmental organisations. I have an MBA, a   Q: The energy sector is going through a huge transformation.
                master's in civil engineering, and an undergraduate degree   What do you see as the future trends in the sector?
                in classical studies. I have worked the energy field since the  There are a number of secular trends playing out. The one
                (very) late '70s.                               talked about most often in the energy space is the economic
                                                                and technical improvement in renewable energy, and that
                Q: You are the Director of the Sustainable Energy Division  clearly is an important driver. But there are other factors that
                in UNECE. It is a huge area, could you tell us a little about  have an important impact - smart everything (cities, grids,
                your main activities.                           appliances) along with energy storage will improve the price
                Most interlocutors assume that my work in sustainable energy  responsiveness of electricity demand and the interactivity
                is focused solely on energy efficiency and renewable energy.  of the energy system. Traditional fuels, technologies, and
                While we do work on those topics, in fact we address as well  players are under enormous pressure from new entrants, and
                issues associated with coal, gas, electricity, and sustainable  they will likely respond by improving their own performance
                resource management. Our activities fall into four broad  and by embracing new technology and new business models.
               areas - reducing the environmental footprint of energy;  A total systems perspective based on electrification pervades
               deep transformation of the energy system; sustainable  the policy conversation, and that will enable increasing
                resource management; and helping countries both track their  participation by distributed generation and consumers.
               progress to sustainable energy and develop enduring policy  Beyond the trends in energy, urbanization, densification, and
               frameworks.                                      proper organization of cities (mobility, food, employment)
                                                                will change how we live our lives.
               Q: You  have set up a Committee on Sustainable Energy.  I have said often that every technology will have a role to
                What was the aim and what do you consider as the main  play - each must meet environmental, safety, and quality
               achievements?                                    of life imperatives. Carbon capture and storage enabling
               The Committee on Sustainable Energy was established long  a future role for fossil fuels will require a serious price on

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