Page 4 - DIVA_3_2019
P. 4
Reflections on a
warm summer day
On French TV, there is a television many outstanding and very clever
show that is calledUn jour, un people who have done much for
destin. It's a showthat has been on the others, through diplomatic channels,
air since 2007 and has featured many as human right defenders, in politics,
of France's most prominent leaders, in the arts...
artists, writers, asmyFrenchcolleague
pointed out the other day. The show, What they all have in common is the
as the title suggests, goes back to will to make changes, to improve our
their "former" lives, before wealth life in one way or another. There will do miracles. So, over these moist
and celebrity knocked on their doors. always be persons who will come and warm thoughts, let us finish by
They all have had different life paths, up with criticism, being negative or quoting the late Kofi Annan who said
and some are more inspirational than trying to do block one initiative or "More than ever before in human
others. another. However, what is keyis never history, we share a common destiny.
to give in to them and their negativity, We can master it only if we face it
Lifeisfullofsurprisesandcoincidences to never give up. together. And that, my friends, is why
some would say. Others say it's hard we have the United Nations."
work and determination. Paulo Recently in Osaka, the G20 heads of MARIT
Coelho put it this way: "I can control states agreed upon the importance
my destiny, but not my fate." Destiny of protecting our earth, as planetary
for him meant opportunities to turn warming is a reality and we will only
right or left, while fate is a one-way be seeing more and more of extreme
street. I believe we all have choices as weather events, be theywarm or cold.
to how we fulfil our destiny, but our Each one of us can, at our modest
fate is sealed. level, do something - reducing our
With the television show still in use of plastic, reducing our use of
mind, my coneagueremarked that, in fossil-fueled transport by walking or
our profession, we are luclcy to meet bicycling etc., and together we can