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with   its  sanctuary    light   visible   through    the   door.   The   four  Finally,   section   ten,  "Silent   Musical   Scores"   depicts   settings
             paintings    are   on  permanent    exhibit   in  the  Art   History  for   operas,   without    the  singers,   so,  appropriately,    without
             Museum    and   are   among    the   greats   of  the   Museum's  sound.   A  cupboard,    almost   two   meters   tall   bears   the  cut-
             collection    of  nineteenth    century    romantic    period   paintings  outs   of   a  cello   on  its  two   doors   the   color   of   cello   wood.   The
             by  Genevan    artists.   This   section    also  includes    Calame's  connection    with   the   instrument    strikes   one   immediately    and
             equally    grand    Alpine    "Monte    Rosa",   which    turns   up  only  then   does   one   realize   that   the   wood   win   be  mute   for   the
             occasionally    in  the   Museum's    galleries   in   the   course   of   the  duration    of  its  life.
             rotations    of  the   canvases.
                                                              Thewholeimpressive   experience   is dueto  the  unflaggingwork

             "SilentSpaces",sectionnine,takesu%everywhereit  seems,  of  the   Museum's    Lada   Unstutter,    not   at  her   first   undertaking
             even   to  the   "Island    of   the   Dead",   a  video   by  Mat   Collishaw  nor,   we  ardently    hope,   at  her   last.
             showing   us  the   island's   colossal   rock   formations    and   forest
             from   the   water,   viewed   from   dawn   to  dark,   a  setting   where  The  exhibit   runs   through    Sunday,   27  0ctober,   closed   on
             it  is  as  difficult    to  imagine   sound   as  it  is  to  imagine   people  Mondays.    See  it  if   you   can,  for   it  is  a  splendid    and   rare   -
             there.                                           unique!   -  encounter    with   art.

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