Page 4 - DIVA_2_2023
P. 4

sommaire                                                                                                                editorial

                 international                           culture

                 6    Interview with                     32  Marit Fosse
                      Olga Algayerova - UNECE                 Art Marché & Culture

                 10  Interview with                      34  Odette Foudral
                      Odd Reidar Humlegård -
                      INTERPOL                           38  SBRINZ
                                                              the oldest cheese of the
                 14  Interview with Sarat Gidda               Swiss Confederation

                                                                                                                                      Intangible heritage – how important  belong to humanity and are eternal,  move to another location impact its
                 16  First Uzbek                         44  Des Arts et des Hommes                                                   is it to preserve it?           but  how  can  they  be  considered  historical heritage?
                      Constitution Referendum                 Deux Poètes. Deux mondes                                                Intangible  heritage  is  something  in  terms  of  heritage?    Most  likely  Nowadays we are more aware than
                                                                                                                                      which  exists  purely  intellectually,  as  the  intellectual  property  of  the  ever of how important it is to preserve
                 17  President of Uzbekistan             46  Poets who changed our Life                                               historically  or  culturally.  Cultural  composers or painters. The heritage  the roots of the UN: the League of
                      Shavakat Mirzivoyev                                                                                             heritage   includes   intangible  collection  of  our  Editor-in-Chief  Nations, so it is not surprising that
                                                                                                                                      traditions  or  intellectual  property,  Marit Fosse’s paintings are therefore  more  and  more  books  and  articles
                                                         48  2023.06.27                                                               but it also covers tangible objects we  also featured in this magazine, after  go to back these roots and sources.
                 20  The Situation of                         Musée Rath – Loving                                                     can touch or places we can see.    her fabulous exhibition in the Trygve  Our  Editor-in-Chief  Marit  Fosse
                      The Hawaiian Kingdom                                                                                            For  example,  UNESCO  considers  Lie Gallery in New York.     has  dedicated  many  years  of  her

                                                         51  Holmes, Watson, Lucens                                                   traditions  and  folklore  to  be  There  are  also  the  politics  and  life to restoring and preserving the
                 24  How do we respond to                     and a gem of a museum                                                   intangible  cultural  heritage,  as  well  historical  heritage  of  organizations  heritage of the League of Nations by

                                                                                                                                      as  food:  not  recipes  or  individual  or  groups  of  people  or  individuals.  writing about it and its personalities.
                      catastrophe?                                                                                                    food items but food concepts related  It  is  also  an  intangible  heritage,  Most recently she wrote about its last
                      By Gheed El Bizri                                                                                               to  the  traditions  and  history  of  a  historic,  but  not  always  intellectual  SG, Sean Lester, his legacy, historic
                                                                                                                                      cultural  group.  For  example,  the  property. Consider, for example, the  heritage  and  contribution,  and
                 28  Rencontre avec                                                                                                   French  baguette  is  a  much-loved  heritage of the League of Nations -  before  that,  after  years  of  extensive
                      Claude Zurcher -                                                                                                symbol of the nation and its history.   either in general or the contributions  research,  she  wrote  a  biography  of
                                                                                                                                      In this magazine we suggest a living  of particular people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the  first  Soviet  Representative  to
                                                                                                          example of Swiss intangible heritage,  The Palais des Nations itself is both  the  League,  Sokoline  (published  in
                                                                                                                                      the  Sbrinz  cheese  traditions,  to  be  intangible and tangible heritage. As  Russian,  with  the  French  original
                                                                                                                                      considered by UNESCO. Sbrinz and  well as the building and its ornaments  expected shortly). Last year too, our
                                                                                                                                      the baguette are more than products,  there is the strong intangible heritage  magazine proposed an encyclopedia
                                                                                                                                      they are a heritage to be passed on to  of the spirit of peace, internationalism  of every first representative of each
                                                                                                                                      future generations. They represent a  and  multilateralism.  A  heritage  of  the  63  League  member-states,
                                                                                                                                      whole region’s identity, its tradition  claim  I  made  to  UNESCO  WHL  who  confirmed  Geneva  as  the
                                                                                                                                      of  hospitality,  dialogue,  eating  was  widely  supported  and  articles  capital  of  multilateralism.  These
              The views expressed are the     Mailing address:               Editor: Marit Fosse                                      together, and sharing.          were published proposing inclusion  people  crafted  the  history  of  the
              responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina                    Folkloric events are easier to identify  of  the  whole  building  together  League, intellectually and politically.
              not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1                                                               as  cultural  heritage  as  they  belong  with  the  Sphere.  Perhaps  once  It is important to keep this historic
                                                                                                                                      to some countries or ethnic groups.  the  renovation  is  finished,  these  heritage too – and many ambassadors
         ®    of DIVA                         Palais des Nations             Graphic Design: Iris Hariz                               Interestingly,  I  have  never  heard  files  will  be  resubmitted.  Both  the  agree with us on this.
                                              1211 Geneva 10
                                              Tel: +41 22 917 43 01          Contributing to this issue:                              about generational heritage, but such  League  building  and  the  Sphere  This  is  the  heritage  of  our
              DIVA International is a publication                            Robert J.Parsons, Annegret Matari,                       a  heritage  is  equally  valid:  “rock”,  clearly belong to WHL, but whether  organization. If you find it important,
              of Graficim Media Ltd           E-mail:                        Jean-Michel Wissmer, Evelina                             “techno”  and  “punk”  –  those  are  renovation  will  affect  the  heritage  let  us  work  together  to  preserve  it.
              29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Rioukhina, Christian David, Sanjay                     generation heritage on a global scale.   only time will show. There was also  We can offer our work and time, but
              WC2A3EE, England                                               Acharya, Pierre-Michel Virot,                                                            discussion  about  the  place  of  the  can only succeed with your help.
                                                                             Véronique Vesval, Alex Caire, Gheed                      Most works of art do not have national  ECE, which was born in Geneva in
              ISSN: 1660-1934                                                El Bizri, Christian Pauletto                             or  generational  boarders;  they  the  same  historic  building;  will  its  Evelina Rioukhina

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