Page 8 - NYAC16-56 Informational E-Book
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Membership at the New York Athletic Club opens the
way to an exclusive world.
As a member of one of the world’s most celebrated our Intra Clubs Committee, representatives from the
athletic clubs, you have the opportunity to enjoy an Intra Clubs a.d other new members.
array of unique experiences. At the NYAC, fine dining, In addition to the many events and outings our
first rate accommodations, irresistible social events individual Intra Clubs host, the NYAC also welcomes
and top class athletic facilities offer an experience all members to attend the annual Intra Clubs Expo,
that is unparalleled. To become better acquainted a complimentary event, and the Intra Clubs SnowBall
with the Club, we are offering 10 complimentary which offers Intra Clubs’ members a fun way to toast
passes to use the athletic facilities for Resident and the holidays.
Associate members for up to 12 months.
New members of the NYAC are also eligible to
This will provide you with a perfect opportunity to participate in the Intra Clubs Incentive Program
enjoy athletic facilities at the City House and Travers where they will receive one year of complimentary
dues to the Intra Club of their choice. This offers an
Island and find the most suitable workout routine for
your lifestyle. opportunity for new members to become engaged in
the Club and to dip their feet in something new they
may have never had the courage to try.
Intra Clubs
Intra Clubs are the backbone of the NYAC. As a
member of the New York Athletic Club, you are Membership in the New York Athletic Club comes
invited to join any of our more than 40 Intra Clubs. with some of the most exclusive reciprocal privileges
These clubs within the Club unite members with at private clubs across the country and around the
common social and athletic interests. We trust these world. Enjoy the network of more than 70 clubs in
memberships will provide you with the opportunity the US and more than 50 overseas. Through the
to meet fellow members, establish friendships use of our reciprocal clubs, you and your family will
and experience unlimited opportunities to travel, have access to the finest private clubs, wherever your
socialize, exercise and enjoy a wide variety of sports destination may be.
and activities, events and trips, in the USA and
abroad. Golf Privileges
The New Century Club is complimentary for new NYAC members enjoy golf privileges at some of the
NYAC members at the time of activiation of their finest courses in the Tri-State area. In addition, the
club membership. Several cocktail receptions take NYACKERs is an Intra Club that promotes golf and
place throughout the calendar year, allowing the meets more than 10 times a year for outings at private
NYAC’s newest members the opportunity to meet clubs in the metropolitan area.