Page 134 - 3rd-year-tourism-2021_Neat
P. 134

Only use the past continuous when you want to emphasize the continuity of the action.
Everybody was talking about it all evening.
They were really trying hard but couldn't do it.
I was thinking about you the other day.
Were you expecting that to happen?

When we use these two forms in the same sentence, we use the past continuous to talk
about the "background action" and the past simple to talk about the shorter completed
It was raining hard when we left the building.
I was reading the report when you rang.
He was going out to lunch when I saw him.

1-Choose the correct tense.

   1- As the stranger came | was coming to the station, a car stopped | was stopping behind

   2- My grandma never watched | was never watching TV. But she read | was reading books.
   3- I started | was starting work at 6 o'clock.
   4- He got up | was getting up and switched off | was switching off the light. When I finished

       | was finishing my homework, I cooked | was cooking dinner.

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