Page 43 - 3rd-year-tourism-2021_Neat
P. 43

future and how many years they have to build them. Both life expectancy and the infant
mortality rates are useful indications of the well-being of the population generally and of the
health of newborn babies, and officials rely on them to identify health problems and to evaluate
the efficacy of their health policies and practices.

       Emigration refers to the people leaving a given society, and immigration refers to those
joining it. Examining these trends, together with in-immigration rates and out-migration rates,
which refer respectively to people moving into and out of certain designed areas, contributes to
the identification of possible problem areas that may need to be confronted or shortages in
services or facilities that may need to be alleviated. Shortage of educational facilities in certain
geographic locations, for example, may be push factors that result in people leaving these
region; whereas, the availability of employment opportunities can be pull factors encouraging
people to move into another region. The data collected by demographers is often displayed in
graphics forms that allow the reader to see the total picture and to understand the often
complicated statistics and ratios at a glance.

Answer the following questions:
   1- What is meant by "demography"?
   2- What is meant by "doubling time"?
   3- What is the importance of knowing the total fertility ratio?
   4- What is the importance of knowing life expectancy and the infant mortality ratio?
   5- What is meant by emigration and immigration?

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