Page 65 - 3rd-year-tourism-2021_Neat
P. 65

developed nations are particularly vulnerable. They possess environmental and cultural features
that tourists wish to experience, given the right conditions. They also possess a powerful
economic incentive to develop tourism rapidly and with as few constraints as possible. They
lack capital to achieve this and consequently have frequently granted control of tourism
development to foreign interests. To attract capital they have offered concessions – tax breaks,
liberal access to land and low environmental standards - which ultimately reduce the benefits.
There is no easy solution to this dilemma, but ironically it may lie in the growth of tourism
itself. The combination of a growing market, increasing diversification and rising levels of
experience amongst tourists will lead to the industry constantly seeking new destinations.

Answer the following questions:
   1- Do you think that international tourism can grow over this century?
   2- How can we meet the present challenges that face tourism?
   3- What are the reasons that may affect the perspective future of tourism?
   4- How, do you think, can we solve the main problems that face tourism in Egypt?

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