Page 74 - 3rd-year-tourism-2021_Neat
P. 74
The most important thing to possess is your passport, visa, driving license and the tickets of
your air travel. One of the most important international travel tips would be to register with the
State Department. By doing so, you can get some useful help if any kind of difficult situation
arises during your stay in the foreign country. You should give your personal details such as
contact numbers to your neighbors and close friend, so that you can stay in touch with them.
Taking care of your health is of prime importance, while you are visiting a foreign country.
You should get a medical check-up done and carry all the preventive medicines which have
been prescribed by your doctor along with you. Protection from infectious and contagious
diseases is very essential as falling ill can affect the very motive for which you are visiting the
foreign country. You should strictly have a first aid kit in which you should have pain-killer
medicines such as acetaminophen, ketoprofen or aspirin which have been prescribed by your
doctor to you. Having proper medicines for cough, fever and cold is very essential as you might
require them if you feel unwell due to change in atmospheric and weather conditions in the
foreign country you are visiting.
In order to purchase things you like, you will need sufficient foreign exchange. But, before
seeking the foreign currency, you should have a complete knowledge of the conversion rates of
the currency of the country you are visiting and the currency prevalent in your country. You
should consult experts in the immigration field as they have the details related to foreign
exchange. You should take care of your personal belongings while traveling and staying in a