Page 84 - 3rd-year-tourism-2021_Neat
P. 84
You don’t need to worry about gaps of a couple of weeks but if you’ve been out of work for
months (or even years) you need to clearly and concisely explain why. Any unexplained
absences of this length will be looked upon with suspicion by potential employers and will give
the impression that you’ve been idle during this time.
Don’t be afraid to let recruiters know that you took some time out to volunteer, look after a sick
relative or travel the world. There’s also no shame in informing employers of a period spent
away from work due to illness or redundancy
Example CVs
1- Chronological CV example
Jo Smith
54 Long Street, Anytown, XP9 8JQ
1: I am a final-year maths undergraduate with customer service and sales experience in the
energy industry. As a tutor and maths club coordinator I can explain maths concepts to all ages and
abilities. I am keen to use my maths and commercial skills to train as an energy industry analyst.
2: Education and qualifications
University of Birmingham (2014-2017)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics. Predicted 2:1.
Modules included mathematical modelling, mathematics in industry,
real and complex analysis and mathematical finance.
Any Town High School (2006-2013)
A-levels: maths, physics, chemistry. AS-level geography.
9 GCSEs including English language and English literature.
3: Employment
Inbound customer service adviser, Energex UK call centre (2014-2016)
• Helping customers assess energy costs and tariffs
• Ensuring quality and compliance standards during the switching process