Page 112 - حاسب آلي
P. 112

Itinerary Pricing

     1- Retrieve the PNR for passenger Heilmann.

Type RT/ followed by the family name.

Retrieve by surname:          RT/
Surname:                      Heilmann


RP/FRALH2330/FRALH2330               0999ZZ 19APR /1237Z



    2 TP 703 L 16MAY 2 FRALIS HK1          2 1045 1150

    3 TP 700 L 21MAY 7 LISFRA HK1           1305 1410

    4 AP FRA 069 340 763-H

    5 TK TL24APR/FRALH2330


     2- Price the itinerary.

Enter FXP to price the entire itinerary.

Price itinerary:              FXP


01 YAP3M               650 *         *RESR  * YES *



     A FLG B DATE TIM                FARE NVB NVA B

     LT           K           E BASIS       G

FRA  T    0730    L    16MA   094 O  YAP3  16MAY 16MAY 20
     P    0700    L    Y      5K     M
LIS  T            L    21MA   130 O        21MA 21AU 20
     P            L    Y      5K     YAP3  YG
FR                                   M

DEM       640                 FRA TP LIS196.80 TP
DEM               6DE         FRA196.80NUC393.60END ROE1.626SISI

   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117