Page 273 - University English for non-speacalist
P. 273

On       - Days                - Many shops don't
  In      - Weekend                open on Sundays.

 At           (American         - What did you do on the
Since         English)             weekend?

          - months /            - I visited
              seasons /            Italy in July, in spring, in 1
              year                 994.

          - morning /           - In the evenings, I like to
              evening /            relax.
                                - This is the first cigarette
          - period of              I've had in three years.
                                - It gets cold at night.
          - Night               - What did you do at the
          - weekend
              (British          - There's a meeting at 2.30
       Used to show an             this afternoon / at lunch
       exact or a                  time.
       particular time:
                                - England have not won the
          - From a                 World Cup in
              particular           football since1966
              time in the

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