Page 27 - اللغة الانجليزية
P. 27
2) English Phonetic Chart
single vowels eɪ diphthongs aɪ
ɪ i: ʊ u ɔɪ
ship sheep Book shoot eə coin like
eɜəɔ hair ɪə ʊə
left her teacher door show here tourist
æʌ ɒ ɑ aʊ
hat up On far mouth
unvoiced consonants
p fΘt s ʃ ʧk
pea free thing tre see sheep cheese coin
b v Ð voiced consonants ʒ ʤ g
boat video This dz joke go
m n Ŋ dog zoo television r you
mouse now thing run
hw l
hope we love
3) The Blends
Blends are formed when two or three letters combine to create a distinct
consonant-sound, often at the beginning of a word. In a blend, the
sounds from each original letter are still heard, they are just blended
quickly and smoothly together. The following are common examples of
blends. Add two words to each example.
bl: blue and blow, …………………, ……………
cl: clap and close , …………………, ……………
fl: fly and flip, …………………, ……………
gl: glue and glove …………………, ……………