Page 2 - Improved +Example+Assessment+Report (LG Accrual) {FlipBook Test v1}_Neat (Online upload)
P. 2
[Ms Lauren Goldstein]
[Golden Key Partnership]
[Address 1]
[Address 2]
[Town / City]
[State / County]
[ZIP Code / Postcode]
Dear [Lauren]
Thank you for the opportunity to conduct a Profitability Report for your business, [Golden Key
Partnership]. Per our conversation, the assessment and plan I have included with this letter is based upon:
• Any financial and business data and details that you have shared with me
• The [2017] and [2018 Year to Date (as at 31 August 2018)] Profit & Loss Account reports you provided to
• Industry research compiled by Profit First Professionals
• Our experience with other clients who are achieving similar profit objectives that you are targeting
This report documents both your current financial trend and a blueprint to achieve your profit objectives.
I am very pleased that you have made the decision to place increasing focus on your company’s health and
overall financial strength at this time, and I am excited to report that we now have an outline plan to make
your vision for increased profitability a reality.
I am looking forward to our next meeting to discuss this report and to answer any questions or concerns
you have about the implementation.
Yours sincerely
Jason Withers
JW Financial Management Ltd
A Profit First Professional Firm