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Profit First – (The Importance Of) Accountability

           The concept and implementation of Profit First is simple. Sticking to it is the hard part. Our job is to
           make sure you stick with Profit First, and to help you navigate the unique challenges that inevitably
           present themselves.

           Top Profit First Mistakes
           Mistake #1 – Going It Alone

           Avoid this mistake by working with an accountability partner – the benefits are numerous:
               (i)    Your sticktoitiveness skyrockets because someone else depends on you
               (ii)   When you go through a painful process with others, the pain is diminished
               (iii)   Enforcing or implementing a plan with someone else ensures you are more likely to do your
               (iv)   When you meet regularly, you get into a rhythm that makes it easier to stay on course and
                      achieve your goal – big aspirational goals get broken down into smaller achievable milestones

           Mistake #2 – Too Much Too Soon

           You must allocate Profit and not touch it – this means that you need to be sure that your business can
           handle that. To increase your profit, we will become more efficient and deliver the same or better results
           at a lower cost. We work from the goal backwards.

           Start with small percentages to build the habit, and then gradually increase the Profit allocation every
           quarter to move closer to your goal. Start slowly and increase slowly – this will deliberately still force you
           to look for ways to become more efficient. Adjust the percentages until your reach your TAPs. The power
           of reverse engineering profit is that you identify the elements that support the profit – you can remove
           everything that doesn’t.

           Mistake #3 – Grow First (and Profit Later)

           Too many entrepreneurs believe (incorrectly) that you can only have either Profit or Growth. It is not a
           trade-off.  The  healthiest  companies  figure  out  how  to  consistently  be  profitable  first,  and  then  do
           everything to grow that. Your business will automatically show you the path to efficient growth when you

           put profit first.

           Mistake #4 – Cutting The Wrong Costs
           If an expense incurred is going to help contribute to the  growth of your profit and create significant
           efficiency, then find ways to cut costs elsewhere and consider different or discounted equipment, services

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