P. 16

Didactic Resources: Overhead projector, internet, coursebook and e-books.

 U.3  Demonstrate logical organization in written products.

    Class Hours/ Teaching   Tutoring   Learning   Independent           Assessment tools
 Thematic Units   Component   Hours   application and  hours including
 Teacher’s   Cooperative   experimenting   research and
 assistance   learning   practices          community

                    component                  service
 3.1 Full Pockets, Empty Pockets: Writing a   1   0   0   0   2   Debate

 cause-and-effect essay

 Reading  for  writing:  Global  economic   1   0   0   0   2    Workshops

 Writing: Cause-and-effect essay; Economic   1   1   1   0   2   Questionnaires

 conditions in your country or about your

 personal career choice

 Revising: Essay introduction in a formal essay   1   1   1   0   2   Mind maps

 Final Draft   2   1   1   6                      2              Essays

 Chapter Review   2   1   0   0                   2              Writing

 SUBTOTAL HOURS   8   4   3   6                  12                 TOTAL                    30

 Unit Learning outcome: Produce logical, creative, and coherently organized essays through analytical and sociological perspectives.

 Learning Methodologies: Collaborative Learning; Problem based learning PBL and Project Based Learning.

 Educational Strategies: Discussions, Mind Maps, Lectures, Simulations, Workshops.

 Didactic Resources: Overhead projector, internet, coursebook and e-books.
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