Page 12 - Final_Military Presentation_05_01_17_Flat
P. 12

HEALING IS VOLTAG E                                                                              ™

                    Training Injuries                             TENNANT BIOMODULATOR
                    Strained/Pulled Muscles
                    Bursitis                            MEDICAL DEVICES FOR TOTAL HEALTH
                    Heel Spurs
                    Plantar Fasciitis
                    Shin Splints
     TRAINING Injuries  Knees                          The Biomodulator uses technology designed to stimulate the

                                                       body's natural release of nitric oxide, endorphins,

                     Combat Recovery                   neuropeptides into the blood stream and increase Adenosine
                     Phantom Limb Syndrome             Triphosphate (ATP) in the cells. The Biomodulator works by giving
                     Spinal Cord                       the cells the energy they are lacking. When the cells are restored
                     Head Injuries                     to their optimal level of energy the body can heal itself.
                     Non drug Solutions
                     Non surgical Alterna-
                                                       Nitric oxide causes vascular dilation and thereby increases blood
                     Medical cONDITIONS                circulation. This is critical to wound healing, reduction of edema
      Medical cONDITIONS  Neuropathy                   and treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
                     Chronic /Acute pAIN
                     Back/Shoulders/Neck iNJURIES
                     Carpal Tunnel
                                                           Endorphins are the body's natural pain management

                                                          Neuropeptides are the body's regulatory elements that
                     Senior Health
                     Muscle/Ligament Injury                 promote accelerated healing.
                     macular degeneration
                     arthritis                            ATP is responsible for the energy level of the cell.
                     fibromyalgia,                        Using Biofeedback, the process is further enhanced by
                     diabetic neuropathy,
                     Parkinson’s disease
                                                            signals that change and adapt as the electrical properties
                                                            of the tissue being treated change.

                     Dental Procedures
                     Pre /post surgery relaxation
                     outer facial jaw line massage     Areas of the body which manifest pain are often deficient in ATP.
                     cranial sacral w/biomodulator
                                                       The Biomodulator can increase the body's ability to
                                                       actually produce and store energy in the area of involvement by

                                                       charging the tissue in manner similar to a rechargeable
                                                       battery.  The ATP concentration is increased in the stimulated
                     Animal Health
                     Relieves Pain                     areas, enhancing the tissues’ inherent ability to hold electricity.
                     Improves Blood Circulation        As the energy increases in the cell, the cellular function
                     Accelerates Wound Healing         increases and pain is resolved.
                     Reduces Stress
       Service Dogs

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