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Dr. Tennant’s Personal Healing Story
Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PSc.D
Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine
How do you describe a Renaissance man? Genius, scholar, sufficient to protect doctors from contamination. Nobody suspected
inventor, humanitarian, innovator, healer, teacher, entrepreneur, that viruses existing in a patient’s eyes could possibly harm the
historian --- these are just a few of the terms that describe Dr. surgeon. However, each time Dr. Tennant performed surgery; the
Jerry Tennant whose remarkable life, dedicated to healing and laser would strike the eye and release viruses that drifted upward
innovation, has changed the paradigm of western medicine. through his mask and into his nose and brain. In time, he developed
encephalitis and a bleeding disorder that manifested as spastic
Completing his junior and senior years simultaneously through movements and an inability to remember even how to write a
home study courses, Dr. Tennant graduated valedictorian from prescription. Diagnostic tests confirmed he had three viruses in his
high school at the age of sixteen. He attended Texas Tech brain, but no one knew how to treat them. Dr. Tennant’s physicians
University for his undergraduate where he received the Phi Kappa told him there was nothing that could be done to help him. So, on
Phi Award and Premed of the Year award. Before entering November 30, 1995, he was forced to retire at the height of his
medical school, Dr. Tennant attended the University of Houston career.
School of Optometry. He was accepted into Southwestern
Medical School at the age of nineteen and graduated in the top For almost seven years, Dr. Tennant was in a mental fog that rarely
ten of his class at the age of twenty-three. Dr. Tennant completed lifted. Too fatigued to function on any level, Dr. Tennant slept about
his residency in ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School/ 16 hours each day. During the two to three hours per day when he
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Southwestern Medical could think, he read books or newspapers until, like a light switch, his
School/Parkland system between 1965 and 1968. brain would turn off and he would no longer be able to understand
what he was reading. With his waking/thinking time severely limited,
Board certified in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Plastic Dr. Tennant gradually began to realize that if he was going to get
Surgery, Dr. Tennant’s illustrious career includes serving as well, it was up to him to find a way since modern American medicine
director of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Clinic at Parkland had no answers. So he started reading cellular biology books. As his
Hospital, founder/director of Dallas Eye Institute and co-founder knowledge grew, so did his belief in the importance of learning how
of the Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgical Society. He received a to get a single cell to work correctly. If he could do that in time, all of
PhD (hon.) in Anthropology from Orden De Santiago Apóstol. his cells would work correctly.
He is the recipient of the Corboy Award for Advancements in
Ophthalmology and American Academy of Ophthalmology Each of the cellular biology books he read gave passing reference to
Award. Although not a Catholic, Dr. Tennant was awarded the the fact that cells function in a narrow range of pH, but said little
Order of Saint Sylvester by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 for his more. Dr. Tennant began to look closely at pH. He came to realize
contributions in medicine. He holds a doctorate of natural that in addition to acidity and alkalinity, pH measures the voltage in
medicine license from the Board of Pastoral Medical Association; a solution. Voltage. Could this be the key he was searching for?
is licensed by the Board of Homeopathic and Integrated Medi- Gradually, Dr. Tennant began to understand that cells must have
cine Examiners in Arizona; and is a current member of the enough voltage to work and that chronic disease is associated with
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. loss of voltage. His next step was to find out how to measure the
voltage and keep it at optimal levels. Following this path, he was
Dr. Tennant holds over 13 patents for medical devices including finally able to heal himself naturally.
intraocular lenses, surgical instruments and other devices
including the Tennant Biomodulator® PLUS and PRO. He was Today, people travel from around the world to consult with Dr.
one of the first surgeons in United States to place intraocular Tennant at the Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Tennant
lenses in eyes after cataract surgery and taught his technique also teaches and lectures worldwide for Senergy Medical Group, the
around the world. A pioneer in LASIK surgery, Dr. Tennant was exclusive distributor of his patented Tennant Biomodulator® PLUS &
responsible for most of the research done on the Excimer laser PRO. These FDA accepted, non-invasive devices are designed to offer
for VISX. He also performed over 1,000 operations in the United health care professionals and home users an affordable drug free
States and about 2,000 cases abroad from 1991 to 1995. and user-friendly options for the indicated use of symptomatic relief
for chronic, severe pain and intractable pain; adjunctive treatment in
Unfortunately, these numerous surgeries were the contributing the management of post-surgical and post-traumatic pain. The
factor to the decline in his health. In the early days of laser countless thousands of success stories and testimonials of patients’
operations, it was believed that ordinary surgical masks were recovery and pain reduction are phenomenal.