Page 3 - Carnatic Beginner Vol2 - preview
P. 3
Concept of Sthaayi or Octave
Any song comprises of a variety of notes . You would’ve often heard
the terms high pitch and low pitch being used . This is where the
concept of sthaayi comes into picture.
In simple terms, an octave or sthaayi refers to basic set of frequencies
or swaras spanning from the lower Sa , Ri , Ga , Ma ………. Till we
reach the upper Sa. On touching the upper Sa, we span to the next
higher sthaayi. Similarly, when we sing swaras which are lower than
the initial Sa, it is referred to as the lower octave.
In Carnatic music, theoretically speaking we have five sthaayis
(explained in the next page). The standard sthaayi in which a musician
sings is called the Madhyama sthaayi. . There are two sthaayis each
below and above the central Madhyama sthaayi.
An ideal vocal range usually spans from the the ‘Pa’ of the lower
sthaayi (Mandrs Sthaayi) to the ‘Pa’ of the upper sthaayi (Tara