Page 14 - Luton eBook - 2019 Predictions
P. 14

Luton when another southside agency joined          their number could be reached “we’d be over
          the Luton team several years ago, and has           the moon”.
          worked in the industry for over six years.
                                                              The styling, marketing and promotion of the
          His passion is evident in his results. ‘My first    property was done to perfection, and the
          [solo] year was quite a successful year, but in     property hit the market. The interest was
          my second year I doubled my business’. Asked        immediate and intense, and the offer that was
          how he has sustained this success, Michael’s        accepted exceeded everyone’s expectations.
          passion and competitive attitude shone              The ecstatic sellers took the time to write a
          through. ‘Even in a market that seems difficult,  detailed testimonial and send it directly to
          you’ve just got to adapt to it and work that little  Richard Luton. When reading it, Michael said
          bit harder. If it’s 10% harder… you’ve just got to  that “it was a fantastic feeling” to hear that the
          work 10% harder’.                                   clients had enjoyed the experience, given that
                                                              they had come from having low expectations.
          When asked about the key to success in real         “That stuck with me”, he said, “and we still
          estate, he answered that it is important to         keep in touch”.
          focus on the basics. “I’m always looking to
          improve. The number one thing that I never
          stop doing is prospecting. I think it’s really      ‘I REALISED VERY
          important not to get too carried away [with
          trends] if you’re not doing the basics right”.      QUICKLY THAT I
          Michael noted that consistency, and offering        PREFERRED WORKING
          assistance wherever possible, really made
          the difference when giving clients a positive       WITH PEOPLE. I TRIED
          experience. “People often don’t realise that        REAL ESTATE AND
          they need assistance with something until we
          offer our help”.                                    FELL IN LOVE WITH IT’

          Michael offered two helpful pieces of advice for
          people looking to buy or sell a home. Firstly,      One might be surprised to learn that when
          “If you’re buying and selling in one market,        he finally gets a chance to relax on a Sunday
          there’s no difference if you are intending to       afternoon, Michael often unwinds while playing
          owner-occupy, since you are not likely to be        the latest video games. One of his favourites is
          looking for a capital gain”. And secondly,          the Fallout series, and he is eagerly awaiting
          he noted that the most obvious advice is            the release of the sequel to the 2013 smash hit
          often right in front of you. “Presentation is       Last of Us.
          everything, and it can make or break the sale.
          The old adage that you only have one chance to  Michael’s greatest asset is his youthful energy
          give a great first impression really comes into     and enthusiasm – a passion he says has stayed
          play; ‘it is so very important to get everything    with him since he started in the industry. “I’m
          right, the first time!” Despite this, he also said   still young, I’m still energetic, and I haven’t
          that it’s important to enjoy the process, too –     lost that. If you’re not enthusiastic, you’re
          “style the property to sell, but have fun with      not providing sellers with the best possible
          it!”.                                               experience”. This positive attitude, and his
                                                              love for his hometown of Canberra makes all
          Michael also wanted to share the story of a         the difference. “I couldn’t see myself living
          retired couple who were looking to sell their       anywhere else!”. Neither can we.
          home to be closer to their Queensland family
          and friends. Initially, the couple were quite
          hesitant after prior unhappy experiences. But
          after building a strong rapport, they allowed       To ask Michael Martin how he can guide you
          Michael to offer an appraisal, and said that if     through your real estate journey, click here.

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