Page 31 - Parenting-activity example
P. 31
Action to Take: When: Expected Result:
Create a reward when By Friday night Talk with Jenna and work
Jenna gets her bed made in with her to create a reward
the morning. she really wants. As a
result, she will make her
bed more often.
Talk with my ex so that Send a text Wed. Help the kids have more
when Nick is grounded consistent rules and
from TV next time, the parenting between
punishment goes at his locations. Prevent kids from
house too. playing us against each
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Complete the Being a Good Parent pamphlet assessment document with the
parent. Be sure feedback from the parent has been included in the assessment
document. Include all assessment documents in the parent’s file.
88 Parenting Pamphlet Series Instructor’s Manual Being a Good Parent
©2017 Learnovation®, LLC