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P. 10

Is This Information True?                                                                                             In 2006, the verb to google, was officially added to
        Take Action!                                                                                                            the Oxford English Dictionary. Google  is one of
          Do you believe everything you read on the Internet? In a world where anyone can publish on the web, not
          all information is created equal. Much of the information you find on the Internet is reliable, accurate and              the leading search engines on the Internet,       Study Skills
          true… but much of it is also biased, misleading and false. When it comes to information on the web ask                     and is used to find information on just about    Series
          yourself the following questions:                                                                                          everything. As the Internet becomes the main     No. 3
             ƒ  Who is the Author? Check for contact information somewhere on the page.                                              source of our information, we can get overloaded

             ƒ  What can you tell from the URL? Look to see if the URL shows a company name or group.                               from access to so much content. With a risk of
                                                                                                                                    getting misinformation, we need to develop new
             ƒ  What is the purpose of the web site? Check if this site is trying to inform, persuade, or sell to people,           skills to wade through the huge amounts of data
             or if it is geared to a particular audience.                                                                          available to us. How do we know what is valid?
             ƒ  Is this information accurate? See if the information can be verified on another site. Look for spelling         How do you find the one thing you’re looking for among
             mistakes, grammatical errors, or typos that would indicate a less reputable site.
                                                                                                      thousands of entries? How do you make a decision with so much information to use?
             ƒ  Is the information reliable and credible? Check on the organization providing the information.

             ƒ  Is the information current? Check that the information on the site is updated.
                                                                                                         Get Organized                               Search Engines
        Exercise: Doing an Online Search
        Pick a job you’d like to have in the future and go online to find the following information: A job                                           While humans organize
                                                                                                                                                     and catalog information by
        description, starting salary, and contact information for a company where you could work. Print out a   When it comes to using the Internet   subject, search engines rely
        copy of the information from the websites or list the web addresses where you found the information   effectively, people must be able to:                                      An Online Search  How to Do
        below. List the keywords you used for your searches.                                                  ƒ  Conduct research                    on computer programs called
                                                                                                                                                     spiders or robots to crawl
         Keywords/Search Phrases                                   How many different searches did you        ƒ  Evaluate information (think critically   the Web and log the words
                                                                   have to do to find all the information?     about the information they find)      on each page. With a search
                                                                                                              ƒ  Use that information to make a decision   engine, keywords related
                                                                   How many websites did you visit?
                                                                                                           People tend to have trouble with the      to a topic are typed into a

         Job description address                                   Did you use links from within a web     following issues:                         search “box.” The search
                                                                   page to find the information? Y / N                                               engine scans its database
                                                                                                              ƒ  Evaluation - Inaccurate information or   and returns a file with links to
         Starting salary       Company and contact info:                                                       believing everything they read
                                                                   How long did it take your to complete your                                        websites containing the word
                                                                   research?                                  ƒ  Identification - Inability to distinguish   or words specified. Because
                                                                                                               different types of information        these databases are very
                                                                                                              ƒ  Searching - Knowing how to really find   large, search engines often
                                                               Additional Resources:                           information
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC                                                                                               return thousands of results.
                                All Rights Reserved.            Creating Your Career Portfolio: At-          ƒ  Plagiarism - Understanding citation and   Without search strategies or
                                    A-Glance Guide for Students                  respecting copyright.                 techniques, finding what you
                                                                Career Transitions Workbook                                                         need can be like finding a
                                                                                                                                                     needle in a haystack.
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