Page 44 - Study-Skills-Pamphlets-sample
P. 44

Identifying Your Skills                            Basic of a Career Portfolio                    Types of Work Samples

        It’s time to take an inventory to identify the   Work samples and documents are organized         Here’s a list of work samples you can use in your portfolio.   Know Your Keywords
        skills, knowledge, abilities, and talents that   behind tabs in a career portfolio.                  ƒ  Certifications                                       Look at the requirements for your
        can make you an asset to a company. What do                                                          ƒ  Letters of reference, appreciation, thanks, participation.   target job and the skills that
        you have to offer an employer?                                                                       ƒ  Photos of your work, projects, community service     are required. What keywords are
        You’ve gained skills in many different ways:
                                                    Tab 1: Work Philosophy & Goals                           ƒ  Media - Video/CD of activities, demonstrate technical skills,   associated with that position? These
           ƒ  On the job                                                                                     and knowledge of how to integrate technology.           are the keywords you should use
                                                          ƒ  Work Philosophy - Your beliefs about yourself,
           ƒ  Past jobs                                   people, and your outlook on work.                  ƒ  Documents created or used on the job                 to organize and group your work
           ƒ  In a classroom or training                  ƒ  Goals- Your career goals for the next two to     ƒ  Degrees/Diplomas                                    samples.

           ƒ  Volunteering                                five years                                         ƒ  Job Samples                                          A dietitian might use these keywords:
           ƒ  Memberships                                 ƒ  Professional Bio - A paragraph about you           ƒ  Include work samples from your job tasks.            ƒ  Patient Education
           ƒ  Community involvement                 Tab 2:  Résumé                                              ƒ  Select specific samples that match the requirements of     ƒ  Sports Nutrition

           ƒ  Hobbies                               Tab 3: Key Skill Area 1:                                     the new position and prove your skills.                ƒ  Food Science
                                                          ƒ  3-5 Work samples for your most important
           ƒ  Military service                                                                               ƒ  Academic samples                                     An engineer might use:
           ƒ  Family experiences                    Tab 4: Key Skill Area 2:                                 ƒ  Include research papers                                 ƒ  Mechanical Engineering
        You probably have more skills than you think.     ƒ  3-5 Work samples for another skill area         ƒ  Presentations                                           ƒ  Hybrid Technology
        So, how do you identify the individual skills   Tab 5: Key Skill Area 3:                             ƒ  Special projects                                        ƒ  Engine Mechanics
        from each experience? Refer to:                   ƒ  3-5 Work samples for another skill area         ƒ  Course descriptions                                     ƒ  Communication
           ƒ  Job descriptions - list key skills and   Optional Tabs:                                        ƒ  Major/minor overviews                                Target your keywords to each job
            abilities needed to do each job. This can     ƒ  Community Service, Internships, Military                                                                interview and position.
            include jobs related to your volunteer        Service, Awards, Certifications                    ƒ  Program overviews
            experiences and interests.
                                                    Last Tab: Additional Resources including:             Customizing Your Career Portfolio
           ƒ  College course catalogs - list the skills
            and knowledge from a degree program            ƒ  Faculty & Employer Bio Sheet  - A who’s who   The  work samples you include in your career portfolio should change depending on the interview.
                                                           of people who appear in your work samples.
           ƒ  Training brochures - identify key skills                                                       ƒ  Review the purpose of your career portfolio. Are you looking for a job, competing for an internship, or
            learned in a seminar or workshop               ƒ  Academic Plan of Study - A listing of the      trying for a promotion? The work samples you show will vary based on the reasons behind your career
                                                           courses you have taken to fulfill your degree     portfolio.
           ƒ  Online job sites - provide additional
            information about different careers            ƒ  References  - A list of people who can         ƒ  What criteria are people using when reviewing your skills and experience? This will impact the
                                                           verify your character, academic record, or        contents you include. What do they need to see to make good decisions about you?
           ƒ  Websites and printed materials - list the    employment history.
            benefits of professional memberships and                                                         ƒ  What qualities are they looking for when reviewing you? What are their expectations?
            volunteering.                                                                                 Answer these questions, and you have set the guidelines for choosing and organizing work samples with
                                                     Every work sample should prove a                     impact.
                                                           skill or answer a question.
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