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Determination of Non Injurious Price

               time of initiation, the DI is required to submit the following documents, wherever
               applicable, for NIP workings:

                S.N                     Documents/ Supporting documents
                 1   Annual Audited Accounts (including Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts, and
                     Annexed Schedules) for IIP. If the same is not audited for the POI at the time of
                     filing  application,  the  same may be  certified from the Independent  Practising
                     Chartered Accountant and the authorised officer of the company.
                 2   Trial Balance for the POI
                 3   Cost Audit Reports for IIP, if applicable and not submitted earlier.
                 4   Cost Sheet(s) of captively consumed product(s)/utilities
                 5   Consumption details of major raw materials including the bills of material for PUC
                 6   Supporting Document for Installed Capacity, Actual Production, Capacity Utilization
                 7   Details of Related Party Transaction(s) and their basis of pricing as per Accounting
                     Standard 18
                 8   Details of all abnormal close downs, if any
                 9   Business Transfer Agreement/Details - if there is any major change in ownership during
                     IIP and consequential change in the value of assets, if any.
                10   Merger/Amalgamation  details-  if  there  is  any  merger/amalgamation  and
                     consequential change in the value of assets if any
                11   Valuation Report - if there is a change in the value of assets
                12   Details of major inputs, which are subject to any trade remedy measure
                13   The complete break-up of Sales Real is at ions reconciled with the audited records
                     of the company as a whole. Each major product to be separately indicated.


               9.6.5.  NIP determination requires detailed information in Format ā€œAā€ to Format
               ā€œLā€ notified vide Trade Notice No. 02/2018 dated 01.02.2018.

                S.N    Format                      Subject Description
                 1       A     Statement of Consumption of Raw Materials, Packing Materials, and
                 2       B     Statement of Raw Material Consumption
                 3       C     Allocation and Apportionment of Expenses
                 4       D     Statement of Consumption of Utilities
                 5       E     Statement of Sales Realisations
                 6       F     Certificate by the Chief Executive or a duly authorized representative
                               of the Domestic Industry
                 7       G     Declaration by Legal Representative

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