Page 68 - Library Supplies Catalogue
P. 68
Shelf organization l60-001 Non-Fiction Set 2 (10 Colours) l60-002a maKe aCCeSS tO yOUr liBrary COlleCtiOn eaSy and fUn witH tHeSe
Fiction Set 1 - Blue
COlOUrfUl SHelf diViderS and SHelf marKet SetS!
Fiction Set 1 - Red l60-004 l60-005
Non-Fiction Set 1 Non-Fiction Set 2
with Graphics (10 Colours)
Fiction Set 2 (10 Colours)
Fiction Set 1 (10 Colours)
Non-Fiction Set 1 with Graphics
Look in the Library Poster • Dividers made from strong polypropylene vinyl, designed to last l60-007 Fiction Set 2 l60-009
library Shelf Divider and Signage Sets
the life of the library
Library Find It Overview Poster
Large vertical, clear sleeve holds a 9”H x 3”W sign that can be
easily seen across the library
Sign holder sits on shelf in between books to indicate where
(10 Colours)
collection begins
Complete with shelf dividers, signs and cardboard filler blocks
Shelf Markers are made from 1/8” thick white plastic board and fit
• Choose a fiction or non-fiction set that meets your needs library Shelf Marker and Signage Sets
Cardboard filler blocks fit into the shelf divider and prevents books
from squashing in sides of shelf divider between books, saving valuable shelf space
• Shelf Divider Dimensions: 10-3/4”H x 3-1/2”W x 9-1/2”D • Sign extends 3-1/2” from bookshelf and 9-1/2” onto bookcase
Cat. # Description Price • Shelf Markers come complete with two signs (one for each side)
Non-Fiction Signs and Filler Blocks) ....................................... $195.00 set • Shelf Marker Dimensions: 10-1/2”W x 9-1/2”D Price l60-001 Set 2 - (Includes 10 Shelf Dividers, Signs and Filler Blocks) l60-004 Set 1 with Graphics - (Includes 10 Shelf Markers and 2 Sets
l60-000 Set 1 with Graphics - (Includes 10 Shelf Dividers,
Cat. #
of 000 to 900 Signs) ........................................... $217.00 set
............................................................................. $195.00 set
l60-005 Set 2 - (Includes 10 Shelf Markers and 2 Sets of 000 to
900 Signs) ........................................................... $217.00 set
l60-002a Set 1 - Blue A to Z (Includes 26 Shelf Dividers, Signs
and Filler Blocks) ................................................. $479.00 set
l60-002B Set 1 - Red A to Z (Includes 26 Shelf Dividers, Signs
l60-006 Set 1 - (Includes 26 Shelf Markers and 2 Sets of 26
Signs (A-Z) ........................................................... $530.00 set
and Filler Blocks) ................................................. $479.00 set
l60-003 Set 2 - 10-Colour A to XYZ (Includes 24 Shelf Dividers,
Signs and Filler Blocks) ....................................... $442.00 set
Signs (A-XYZ) ...................................................... $490.00 set
l60-008 Look in the Library Poster - 19” x 13” ......................... $29.60 l60-007 Set 2 - (Includes 24 Shelf Markers and Sets of 24
l60-009 Library Find It Overview Poster - 19” x 13” ................ $29.60