Page 13 - Resource Book
P. 13
Name __April Scott_________________________________
Misunderstood Panel Review
Speakers’ Names: Lisa Louch, Sherriff Swanson, Constance Slappy,
Dr. Andrina Morence, Christopher Simpson, Lieutenant Yvonne
Brantley, and Michael Brown Sr.
1. What five things did you find most interesting or surprising?
• Michael Brown Sr. was on the panel and he started a
Forgiveness program.
• Dr. Moroence was the first black woman to be
promoted to her position and they did not believe she
scored higher than everyone else because she was black.
• DPD does Restorative Practices with the community by
holding mock police situations so that citizens can
understand that police offices sometimes have to make
split second decisions in some situations.
• Commander Slappy mentioned that law enforcement does
not want to use force on citizens
• The police department does ride alongs