Page 4 - Resource Book
P. 4

All contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.


                                                                                                                     that I must notify Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee if I wish to discontinue the automated payment service.
                                                                                                                     $ __________. This authority is to remain in full force and effect for at least twelve (12) months which constitutes a one year membership. I understand
                                                                                                                     Authorization Agreement:  I authorize Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee to charge my checking or savings account monthly in the amount of
                                                                                   Monthly Deduction: $

                                                                                   Account Number:

                                                                                   Routing Number:  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
                                                                                                                  Routing Number

                                                                                                                          9 Digit
                                                                                   Financial Institution:

                                                                                                                     Please debit my membership payment from:   □Checking Account  □Savings Account (check only one)
                                                                                                                     Date to Start Deductions:                        (Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee will debit on the 15  of each month)
                                                                                      City, State and Zip:



                                                                                                           Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Membership Form
                                          Photo by: Tracey Palmer   th            E-mail:        Photo by: Tracey Palmer               Account Number        a
                                                                                                The best thing
                                                  Our volunteer is a great person.   My husband can, at times, be hesitant to  who helps, but cares for the volunteer. Our  volunteer is family and does a wonderful job.      --Betty Bailey    This family has become family to me.  Volunteering is a very fulfilling experience.   You grow to love the ones you help.        --Betty Gross   Membership Forms   Volunteers is the best!   Respite  about this program is that when a person is  fee

                                        Volunteers services
           Your donations will help fund
                        Visits to match volunteer with families

                    Placement and Supervision  ♥ Volunteer Recruitment, Training,   ♥ Home   ♥ Managing Volunteers  ♥ In Home Assessments for Person’s  Family Caregivers and Home Safety  ♥ Caregiver Support and Education   ♥ Promotion of Respite  ♥ Case Management and Reassessment  ♥ Volunteer Continuing Education  ♥ Helping Persons to remain in their home     $5000 Black Diamond membership could help  provide 10 families services for one year     $1000 Diamond membership could help
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