Page 2 - To know things we have to have the world inside us
P. 2
“To know things, we have to have the world inside us.”
The project
Project Organisers: REANZ Trustees
REANZ Researchers: Diti Hill, Prue Crarer, Helen Aitken, Wendy Larmer
Project Authors and Conductors: Chris Celada, Margo Hobba
Project Support: Diti Hill, Prue Crarer, Helen Aitken, Wendy Larmer, Julianne Exton, Pam Wilson
Auckland: Invercargill
Adelle Holly Michelle M Alli
Andrena Jaimie Miringa Alison
Angela Jenny B Narina Cinnamon
Bridgette Jenny J Natasha Emma
Carlyn JoJo Prue Fiona
Chloe Kanwal Shaina Gurjeet
Clarinda Katrina Shaine Katherine
Deanna Kelly Sharon A Kerrie
Denise Kerri Sharon H Leonelle
Diti Lacey Sheree Maddy
Elin Lalita Sue Maria
Emily Logan-Michelle Tracey Mark
Emma Lucy D Wendy Megan
Felicity Michele Mc Winnie Page
Hellen Michelle J Paula
Chris and Margo respectfully acknowledge that this project was conceived, designed, considered and published on the
traditional land of the Kulin Nation whose cultures and customs have nurtured and continue to nurture this place.
We honour the presence of the ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose irrepressible
spirituality flows through all creation, and pay our respects to the Elders and educators past, present and emerging.
Reggio Emilia Aotearoa New Zealand (REANZ) offers the following Whakatauki (Māori proverb) in relation to this
research project and publication:
He kokonga whare e kitea, he kokonga ngā kau e kore e kitea.
Brenda Soutar, the Kaiārahi (Māori cultural advisor) for REANZ explains:
“Literally this proverb means 'The corners of a house may be seen but the corners of the heart cannot be seen'. At
another level the proverb refers to the relationship between the known and unknown, that which is seen and felt,
seen and unseen, the reality and the imagined. I like the relevance to the relationship between the known and
unknown, the idea that what we physically see forms just a part of the big picture.”