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A shipyard on the island   in the archipelago. In Banten, for    kingdoms. Although a legal institution                Thus, the penghulus in Java continued   wari (social stratification). Later, sarak
          Onrust which functioned   example, as noted by B.J.O. Schrieke,   was recognized to have existed in the                to serve as marriage registrars, before   colored all Bugis-Makassar cultural
          as a place of quarantine   the kadi was instrumental in the strict   Javanese community, i.e. “penghulu” (lit.         the Dutch colonial government finally   aspects. The enforcement of Islamic
          for pilgrims leaving     implementation of Islamic law, especially   headman), a Javanese term referring               elevated them as part of the government   law was also in the hands of the kadi
          for Mecca or returning   for those who consumed cannabis. In     to a legal officer in a kingdom, pre-                 bureaucracy in the 19  century. While the   (Daeng ta Kaliya) although he did not
          fromthe Holy Land.       addition, Dutch sources reported that the   Islamic traditions remained dominant.             king was not the only one in the kingdom   play the kind of dominant role in political
                                   kadi of Banten, who held the title “Pakih   Raffles’ study on the Javanese text               to implement Islamic free from scholars’   decisions as in the Malay world. The
          Source: Atlas Sejarah
          Indonesia Masa Islam     Najmuddin” always based his legal       Surya Alam, the legal and regulatory                  involvement, the tendency to eliminate   Daeng ta Kaliya was responsible for
          (Historical Atlas of     rulings on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. In   sources of the Demak kingdom showed                sharia influence from the legal system   settling social problems. Thus, the
          Indonesia’s Islamic      Banten, the enforcement of Islamic law   that Islamic elements, especially the                and from royal life seemed to have     implementation of Islamic law in Gowa-
          Period), 2011.           was carried out as it was done in other   sharia and Islamic jurisprudence, had               strengthened. Therefore, the king as the   Tallo was the ruler’s concern.
                                   kingdoms in the Malay world. Therefore,   no place as they were not as important              axis of the world wielded increasingly
                                   the kadi of Banten had an important     as pre-Islamic Javanese traditions.                   strong political power while religious   Islamic Educational Institutions:
                                   political role, especially in legitimizing   Instead, the text put more emphasis on           scholars with religious authority were   Meunasah, Surau, and Pesantren
                                   the power of a new king. Martin van     esoteric Sufism, which seems to mean                  relegated to pesantren. As described   Along with the role of political-
                                   Bruinessen noted that in Banten in 1574   that the implementation of Islamic law              above, this separation process and     based Islamization followed by the
                                   the young sultan was only able to occupy   was disregarded. This was reiterated by            the tensions it often caused between   establishment of Islamic institutions, the
                                   the seat of power after the kadi had given   Pigeaud and De Graaf in their classic            royal and clerical authority increasingly   kingdom at the same time also served
                                   him religious legitimacy. The kadi had   work, where they argued that the role                colored the growth of Islam in Java.   as the center of Islamic education. The
                                   a decisive role not only in formulating   of “penghulu” in the implementation                 In Goa-Tallo in South Sulawesi, the    Islamization of the archipelago also made
                                   royal policies, but also in determining   of Islamic law was limited to marital               enforcement of Islamic law appeared    the kingdom, as power center, the center
                                   who was to be the king. According to Van   problems only.                                     to have reflected the development      of Islamic education. Samudera Pasai in
                                   Bruinessen, the kadi was responsible for   The latter trend was even stronger in              that had already taken place earlier in   the 14  century is the best example. Ibn
                                   the entire administration of the kingdom   Mataram. In this kingdom, as far as the            the Malay world. Islamic law, sarak,   Batuttah’s notes, as cited above, clearly
                                   in the absence of the king when he was   available data indicate, the penghulu                became one of the important elements   show that Islam, particularly Islamic
                                   away to expand his territory, and he    and the kadi had no role whatsoever in                in Bugis-Makassar cultural society, the   law, was studied in the palace and that
                                   played an important role in diplomatic   deciding urgent political issues at the              Pangngadereng or Pangngadekan.         the ruler, Sultan Malik al-Zahir, fully
                                                                           ruler’s level. In fact, in line with “the             When Islam had become the religion of   supported it. In fact, many scholars from
                                   Banten was an exception in the          tradition of dialog”, clerics in Mataram              the community after the Islamization of   Islamic countries visited Samudera Pasai
                                   development of Islam in Java. In        were considered sources of disturbances               Goa-Tallo, sarak was given a position   and they served as lecturers at the royal
                                   Demak, for example, the enforcement     in the order of the Javanese cultural                 parallel to that of pre-Islamic cultural   court. Ibn Batuttah mentions several
                                   of Islamic law was not done as          cosmos, unlike those in Aceh who                      components: adek (custom), rapang      names including al-Qadi al-Sharif al-
                                   intensively as in Banten or in the Malay   occupied positions just below the sultan.          (legal analogy), bicara (legislation), and   Shirazi from Persia, Taj al-Din al-Isfahani

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